I’m doing a free trial of Avast pro and have a question.
It seems that script blocker Will not scan in IE7 with protected mode on, Turn protected mode off, and it works fine. Is this normal?
I’m on Vista H/P sp1
I’m doing a free trial of Avast pro and have a question.
It seems that script blocker Will not scan in IE7 with protected mode on, Turn protected mode off, and it works fine. Is this normal?
I’m on Vista H/P sp1
Protected mode… ??? Of avast or of IE?
I’m trying to learn which is protected mode of IE… ???
In Vista, IE runs in Protected Mode if UAC is enabled.
Hmmm… Script Blocker does not works on Vista then?
I’ve tried to see the splash screen with UAC enabled and it does not appear.
I’ve tried to run IE elevated with UAC enabled and it does not appear…
One of the sites my wife goes to has to be in the “trusted Sites” list to work right, which in effect turns off protected mode for the site. Script blocker Will scan the content of that site, But not sites that are protected.
To test this go to internet options, Security tab and remove the check from “Enable Protected Mode” Then restart IE. Script blocker will work fine.
I’ve done this and the splash screen is not shown…
My question remains for the programmers:
Same here Tech, No splash screen.
Is there an answer to Tech’s question??
The following questions about Script Blocker in XP SP2
In SB configuration I have IE checked and NN and Mozilla unchecked.
But Process Explorer shows that AhJsctNs.dll (avast! Script Blocker library for Netscape/Mozilla) is attached for every process listed in PE. It is rather unexpected behaviour.
a) why this DLL is attached for all processes?
b) why this dll is used when NN and Mozilla is unchecked?
Yes, I think it’s as expected. The whole Script Blocker thing is quite a hack, and I think this was needed to intercept Netscape scripting.
As for why it’s so even when the option is unchecked… I’d say so that if you check the option again, you won’t have to restart the browser for the change to take effect, but even the already running instances start to be protected immediatelly.
(But it’s just my guess, I don’t know this module very well.)
Don’t have answers for the other questions… yet.
We’ll wait for them…
Really this DLL is attached to window applocations, not to console ones. So probably this is realized via global hook. But is this DLL used form processing IE too or not? If yes, then description of DLL is somethat incorrect (miss IE reference), If not, then it would be nice to have a possibility to unhook this DLL when no NN or Mozilla installed.