script blocking feature

give us script blocking

Script blocking is an exclusive virus detection technology that proactively protects against certain known and unknown threats without the need for virus definitions. Unlike other threats that still require virus definitions, this technology automatically blocks common script-based threats that arrive via email, such as the renowned “ILoveYou” and “AnnaKorunikova” viruses. Script blocking monitors scripts and alerts users to virus-like malicious behavior, stopping these viruses before they can infect a system.

I second that :wink:

I voted no because they have to earn money somehow! I guess it would be nice if you got everything for free. But how long would they be able to continue Avast then? You have good anti-virus protection for free. If you want script protection, purchase the Pro version.

I have a solution for those of you that want free anti-virus and free script protection. Send me your whole paycheck each week and I will buy you the pro version. :wink:

Have I missed something, home edition intercepts .vbs files in email and asks if you want to open them. It does on mine anyway.

Also this freeware intercepts scripts from running, asking you if you want them to run or not: Works in email and anywhere else. ie like opening a vbs file from a folder in win-explorer.

I also use Script Defender from AnalogX with avast! Home. Here’s the link to AnalogX’s page for Script Defender (with a slightly updated version).

I vote yes. Without script blocking AVAST is useless as a resident antivirus.

Do u think a script blocking feature should be added to avast!4 home
The question doesn't make any sense unless you exactly specify what you mean by 'script blocking'.
Without script blocking AVAST is useless as a resident antivirus.

Again, what exactly do you call script blocking. Of course, both avast Home and avast Pro can deal with script viruses (LoveLetter etc)…


Hi !

download the freeware script defender :

it gives all the script blocking/defending you need.

Let the vendors of Avast earn some money, and let the script blocking feature only be in the PRO version.

And like Vlk stated : Home does protect againts script virusses using the resident shield.
It’s true it doesn’t offers a seperate funtion like in Pro, but this does not mean your not safe from scripts.

kind regards,


Perfect Waldo :wink:
Layered defense isn´t it? Btw, Script Defender does it job too :wink: