Script blocking

I’ve been using the Avast Home Edition for about a year with no problems at all. Howver, I was concerned that the home addition does not have a script blocker. I know you can download separate script blockers, but I wasn’t sure about how important it was to have one. Is this only an issue with e-mail or do I need to worry about this on web pages viewed in the browser? I’m using Moziila Firebird and Thunderbird for browser and e-mail. If it is only an e-mail issue, I don’t think I need to worry using Thunderbird., but I don’t understand this topic well enough to know for certain. If anyone can advise me on the necessity of getting a script blocker, I’d appreciate it.

I think Script blocker is even more important to the browser activity than to the email one. It checks scripts contained in the web pages you look at, thus avoiding infection due to potential bugs in your web browser.

The Profesional version works very smoothly with it but, if you need, you can use the third party applications 8)

I recommend script sentry

On other hand (I do not like Script Sentry very much), I reccomend Script Defender from AnalogX ( AnalogX Script Defender will intercept any request to execute the most common scripting types used in virus attacks, such as Visual Basic Scripting (.VBS), Java Script (.JS), etc. and can even be configured to intercept new script extensions as needed! It’s very simple to use and helps to ensure that you do not inadvertently run a script no matter what email program you use, or even if you get it via another method. :wink: