Script Field in Avast! free v 6

and Firefox 4.0Beta12 don’t seem to get along. That’s how it looks like.

I tried numerous times to upload pictures in Photobucket and Adobe Flash would crash and my PC would freeze. Of course I had Adblock Plus and NoScript disabled in Firefox for Photobucket. I understand that Avast! may not support any (browser)Beta version.

Did some problem shooting and found out that uploading pics in IE8, Chrome and PaleMoon browsers went without a hitch.

Removed Flash, reinstalled, same problem. New version today of Flash also didn’t solve it.

Then I removed Avast!'s SCRIPT FIELD, rebooted and after that the uploading of pics worked. ;D

Just posted the above in case it may help someone with the very same problems.

Script Shield works with IE 32bit only and has no effect in other browsers ATM, so… ??? :o

I am running Firefox 4.0B12 and B11 before yesterday along Windows 7 SP1 HP x64 and AIS 6.0.1000. I also have the NoScript Addon in FF.

Traffic History for the last week in Script Shield shows 15 scans and zero infected.

If Script Shield isn’t working in X64 with Firefox 4.0B11 and B12 then the Traffic History is reporting inaccurately or maybe Script Shield doesn’t work with FF on an x64 computer when running Avast AV?

IE is used in Windows Media Player, sidebar etc., which is mostly likely where your scans come from.

useless and nonsensical considerations again, Avast Script shield works with Internet Explorer and a few Windows programs, but no other browser, period.

I’m not sure but it may have been mentioned that the script shield would work with Firefox in a near future, we’re not there yet.

So in ur own way you are trying to say that the History reporting is either an error or meaningless because it is there.

Great - Real Time Shield reporting that according to you is meaningless.

So what else that AIS reports is meaningless?

If the information is wrong then Avast should disable the shield period.

Sorry, I should have put some of my specs up, just forgot.

WinXP Home, SP3, 32bit - PC Tools Plus FW v7 - MBAM PRO, Avast! v6 free - SAS on demand.

Just way too coincidental that uploading pics worked AFTER removing Script Field in Avast!

Once again - IE is used elsewhere in Windows than just for the browser. Also, calm down a bit. ::slight_smile:

Just curious.

Are these *.JPG files that you are having trouble uploading or do they have another file extension?

Have you tried uploading another type of file?

Maybe there is something on the website that Script Shield doesn’t like so it is preventing the upload?

He is using Firefox. As said multiple times, Script Shield does not work there. Well, actually it could if he is using one of the “IE Tab” extensions.