Script Scanning for MYIE2 (and other IE shell browsers)?

Just curious, I use MYIE2, and absolutely love it, especially after testing 8 different browsers. I noticed when I load regular IE, I get Avasts script protection splash screen. But when I load MYIE2, I don’t get it. Does that mean MYIE2 isn’t supported?

This is a very popular browser, along with the other IE engine offshoots like Avant, SlimBrowser and Netcaptor. So I really hope Avast has support, or they can add support.

So my question is, without a splash screenloading, am I right to assume Avast isn’t watching scripts in these products? Can support be added for them, or at least MyIE2? I need the power of MyIE2, but I totally hate Mozilla, so hopefully the answer is yes… LOL!


I believe they are supported. The splash screen is not displayed because this specific thing relies on a hack in IE, but the script scanner itself should work in MyIE without any problems. To verify, please double click the avast tray icon, click “Details >>”, scroll to the Script Blocker privider in the left hand side list, and check its “Scan Count” value. If it is non zero, it is picking up stuff…

Thank you, and yes its working… Details report 922 scans on the script scanner. Good news!


I use Opera which is unsupported for now (hope not forever :wink: ) but i still get scanned some scripts. Usually when i use Windows Media Player which seems to be connected to IE in some way :slight_smile:
Also lots of stuff in windows itself is scanned over Script Blocker :slight_smile:

The free edition doesn’t have it, no?

Sorry, i didn’t know that in free edition they are no script control.

I use Script Defender from Analogx (which is free) with avast! Home Ed.

Here’s the list of scripts I have it set to block. I broke it into 2 lines because it’s so long. Just combine the 2 lines with no spaces, paste it in the SD window & click Install Intercepts.


Yes, it is… I confirm the behavior on MyIE2 8)

After looking at the settings for the Standard Shield, specifically the Blocker tab, Script Defender may not be needed.

I haven’t had a chance to play around with it yet but I currently have all boxes under Blocked Operations checked, Deny the operation if unable to ask checked and the following extensions in the Addditional extensions box.


I’m not sure but I suggest:


I’ve already got most of those covered. I forgot to mention that I’ve also got the “Default extension set” box checked too.

The only ones I don’t have listed are HTM* & WS?