Just curious, I use MYIE2, and absolutely love it, especially after testing 8 different browsers. I noticed when I load regular IE, I get Avasts script protection splash screen. But when I load MYIE2, I don’t get it. Does that mean MYIE2 isn’t supported?
This is a very popular browser, along with the other IE engine offshoots like Avant, SlimBrowser and Netcaptor. So I really hope Avast has support, or they can add support.
So my question is, without a splash screenloading, am I right to assume Avast isn’t watching scripts in these products? Can support be added for them, or at least MyIE2? I need the power of MyIE2, but I totally hate Mozilla, so hopefully the answer is yes… LOL!
I believe they are supported. The splash screen is not displayed because this specific thing relies on a hack in IE, but the script scanner itself should work in MyIE without any problems. To verify, please double click the avast tray icon, click “Details >>”, scroll to the Script Blocker privider in the left hand side list, and check its “Scan Count” value. If it is non zero, it is picking up stuff…
I use Opera which is unsupported for now (hope not forever ) but i still get scanned some scripts. Usually when i use Windows Media Player which seems to be connected to IE in some way
Also lots of stuff in windows itself is scanned over Script Blocker
I use Script Defender from Analogx (which is free) with avast! Home Ed.
Here’s the list of scripts I have it set to block. I broke it into 2 lines because it’s so long. Just combine the 2 lines with no spaces, paste it in the SD window & click Install Intercepts.
After looking at the settings for the Standard Shield, specifically the Blocker tab, Script Defender may not be needed.
I haven’t had a chance to play around with it yet but I currently have all boxes under Blocked Operations checked, Deny the operation if unable to ask checked and the following extensions in the Addditional extensions box.