While listening to Pandora One via Firefox (12.0) (on Windows 7 Pro), I see that Script Shield is feverishly scanning away at http://www.pandora.com/account/sign-in . I added an exclusion (Expert Settings) for both http://www.pandora.com and http://www.pandora.com/account/sign-in but neither have any effect. Stopping and restarting the Script Shield didn’t help either. When I pause the music, the scanning instantly ceases.
Anyone have an explanation/remedy for this? Smells like a bug to me.
I though you would need an * after the trailing / as a wildcard. The main thing is you should exercise care when using wildcards and exclusions in general. The wider the area excluded the bigger the potential hole in security.
If it is only the account sign-in area that you are having a problem with, I would stick with that and try the * after the trailing / and see if that resolves the problem.
Thanks very much for the input. There wasn’t any real problem - just wanted to alleviate what I perceive to be an unnecessary processing load. I’m going with just the one URL formed exactly as it’s displayed in the first screenshot. No wildcard specified.
There’s no question… It works. The results are visible instantaneously. As you’ll see in the first screenshot, there was no trailing “/” - I’d added that instinctively (screenshot2), which proved to be wrong.
I’m thinking you may have misread my earlier post:
And with that, I did notice the trailing "/" and sure enough, removing that did the trick.
Anyway, thanks again for your input, David. Cheers!
Or you could use Chrome where everything is excluded
As Script Shield is not working for Chrome.
Note to Avast support: Please fix Script Shield so it will work with Chrome.
When latest version Avast 7 came out, script shield worked on Chrome Stable Channel.
Those who were using Chrome Beta Channel were told the reason Avast Script Shield wasn’t working was because Avast only supported Chrome Stable Channel.
This week Chrome 19 went from Beta to Stable.
Thus now Avast Script Shield is not working for anyone using Chrome?
Since Dev becomes Beta become Stable and Stable gets updated on a six week schedule;
Avast engineers have plenty of lead time to get these features rolling if they were doing their ongoing testing on copies of the Dev or Beta versions of Chrome.