I have just noticed today i have been on the web like almost all day! and the script shield shows it has scanned nothing… how do i fix this?
Try a repair and reboot first. Do you get any script activity if you browse this forum with IE9 ? as mine is working.
I tried going to a few websites in IE9 and still no script shield activity. I will try a repair.
Avast’s script shield is now scanning webpages when browsing the web with IE9… but with Google Chrome 18 (Stable) It has no activity…
Well at least we got it working on IE for now but as for Chrome i’ll leave that for someone with experience with it as iv never used it, it could just be a small issue between avast and the latest Chrome since it’s only been releast for a day i think ???
I just got back after a rude blue screen that i got suddenly when i was using chrome… here is what blue screen says… but idk could avast have caused it?
No idea! but you could send that dump off for avast to have a look at it.
Tried opening ftp.avast.com on windows file explorer… but that just opens up the default browser… any idea how now i can upload it?
hello i tried to open ftp.avast.com in windows explorer from the view menu option in IE9 and i get a message that says "This FTP cannot be viewed in windows explorer
Iv never had to do it myself but i dont think you can view it ???, you just send it off.
Use an FTP client like this >>> http://filezilla-project.org/download.php?type=client
Just uploaded the dump file to the site. I really do wonder if avast caused the crash or not. anyways the file is in a zip folder named coolmario88.zip
That’s right.
Now i am wondering… will there be a new update to avast coming out anytime soon to fix the problem with the script shield not working with google chrome 18?
script shield not working here with google chrome 18.0.1025.142 too.
Avast free v7.0.1426, windows 7 32bit sp1
other programmes (comodo firewall v5.10.228257.2253, kingsoft pc doctor v3.3)
still not working here after a repair and reboot
specs info still the same as previous.
Then try this.
After that just install avast! again.
;p will keep that for the last resort. cus script shield is working fine with the 2 other browsers (IE9 and firefox v11.0)
and the problem with google chrome only happened after i updated it to v18. v17 it was working.
@ Coolmario88
Have you not seen this topic, http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=96535.0 but there appears to be a link in an option in the Behavior Shield that effectively stops the script shield from working (mentioned by Tetsuo in Reply #17 of that topic. See my post in that topic, http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=96535.msg771226#msg771226.
So have you disabled/unchecked the “Monitor the system for unauthorized modifications” in the Behavior Shield settings ?
hmm anyone mind checking if script shield is scanning scripts when google chrome v18.0.1025.142 is running.
if someone posts a positive, i shall do a clean install of Avast to see if it solves my problem