I have a question regarding Script Shield.
I can’t remember the last time the counter worked.
With the counter not working does it mean that the shield itself is not working?
Windows 7 SP1
Firefox 11
I have tried with a non beta Firefox.The result is the same.
Open up avast UI. Under Realtime Shields, go and click Script Shield. Normally you see whether it is operational and working. Then click last week’s statistics,
Thanks for your reply,
Yes,i have the latest version,7.0.1426
I opened Script Shield.
The graph shows nothing.
Last Weeks stastics show 0.
So i guess it is not working.
Strange though it works perfectly on my XP computer with the same Firefox.
I believe that the script shield monitors the traffic going through the web shield proxy (or utilises that), then you would bump into the issue of the web shield not supporting firefox 11. The webshield only supports the regular release versions, not alpha/beta/nightly builds for firefox (or chrome, etc.).
So the next question is the web shield actually scanning the firefox 11 http traffic ?
FWIW, I just took a look at avast 6 on XP Pro when using FF 10.0.2. Script Shield shows activity. I disable Web Shield, visit a safe site with scripts, Script Shield shows more activity. This, plus the fact that you can enable Script Shield for specific browsers in Expert Settings, makes me think it that it is not (always) reliant on Web Shield and it is doing some browser-specific things (possibly hooking the browser via API in some cases?). Can’t test with 7 which may be different.
Somewhere I read an avast 7 specific post which said that Script Shield has problems with 64-bit. Can’t remember if that was OS or browser or both. If true, someone must know the details.
Problem sorted
I uninstalled v.7.0.1426 and installed V.6.0.1367.The script shield and counter then worked perfectly.
I then updated via UI to 7.0.1426 and again script shield and counter work correctly and is still working 24 hours on.
So much for the shield not working with Firefox Beta…