Seagate Bought Maxtor

Seems only four companies left… Seagate“, „Western-Digital“, „Hitachi“ and „Samsung“. Who’ll be next? :-\

My personal opinion: I had 2.4GB Seagate Barracuda on my old pc, and it’s more than one year I have this PC with 40GB Seagate Barracuda. This HD was in my wishlist when when buying this PC, as old 2.4GB Barracuda worked perfectly with zero bad sectors. ;D

Maxtor here…Running for 2 years and no problems whatsoever.I had a Samsung too but it failed on me so i cannot say anything good about them.But i also had WD’s and Seagate’s in the past and they all worked like a charm. :slight_smile:



I don’t see Fujitsu in your list, they bought out IBM Drives, Deskstar, etc. (I think), now I think the deskstars are now made by another company under license.

I still have my 1GB Fujitsu and my 10 GB Segate no problems with either and I now have a 40GB and 120GB segate Barracuda in this system.

David Hitachi bought IBM drives…But i don’t know about Fujitsu i think i never saw a HDD from them ???

Fujitsu HDs are one of the best out there and it is just unbelievable that those are not that popular. Besides I have never had any single problem with my old Fujitsu on my old system (back in Europe), and best of all, none of these nowadays HDs works as silent as Fujitsu does.

Today, my system runs on one Seagate Barracuda 7200RPM (80Gb) plus one Maxtor DiamondMax Plus 9 7200RPM (160Gb), plus I have two spare HDs (for my personal stuff backups), one is also Maxtor 80 Gb, and another one Seagate 80gb.

Well if you say Fujitsu drives are good Sasha then i believe you. :slight_smile: It’s just i really haven’t seen them in action or i have and i just don’t remeber it.But i never had any problems with any of the brands we mentioned here except with a Samsung 40 gb drive that died on me after just 1,5 years in service…



I’m obviously confused then, hard to keep up with the mergers and acqusitions in the IT industry. Fujitsu have been making HDDs for some considerable time though.

No harm done ofcourse,it really is hard to keep track sometimes of all this buying and selling.But i wonder why Fujitsu drives aren’t as popular as the rest , well at least they aren’t in my country.But i did a little browsing and people seem to be very pleased with Fujitsu drives they have.Maybe Fujitsu need to hire new sales people or something?



Yes Fujitsu are a very large company but not known for their HDDs, when I first got it, The guy said you’ll never fill this ;D I didn’t think so either. Now people have that much storage and more in RAM ;D

I just though of another one Excelstor. I think they are doing a Deskstar clone or under license, they got some good reviews some time ago, they were giving a three year warranty when most others (including the Deskstar) were only giving a 1 year warranty.

Fujitsu used to be (and still might be) a suppiler of the 1.8" HDDs used in the iPod mini and 5th Generation iPods

Excelstor? You’re right we forgot about those… Seem to be OK, i installed an 80gb Excelstor(ata 133, 7200 rpm) just the other day in a client’s PC and seemed to be working nicely(pretty quiet too).Pretty cheap drives though i have to say.



But then ReVaN, is not it that you never know for sure with hard disks, there are so many other factors that count. One a lot of people don’t count is DUST, yes normal household dust. It can ruin computers, it can ruin hardware, it can even ruin complete motherboards (I had one burnt because of over excessive dust, cost me 400 euros). You have to dust out your computer housing every year. Do this, some install a little extra fan, running with an USB cable on a second USB port. A hard disk can be like any other piece of hardware. You can be lucky and it runs, and runs, others fail just being out of service time.

There are two more dangers people are not aware off, bump against the housing while the harddisk is doing a spin (dangerous), and off course fluctuations in the current. This can cause more errors than software bugs. That is my comment,


Damian that is why i open up my PC every month and clean out the DUST hehe :wink:



Too bad. I liked Maxtor :frowning:
200GB 8MB cache Maxtor beast is just rotating in the PC.
Hitachi looks promising lately but we’ll see… Seagate is long on the scene so they probably know how to deal with the HDD stuff.

200GB 8MB cache Maxtor beast is just rotating in the PC.
I picked up a Maxtor 250GB for $24.95 the day after Thanksgiving. One of those nice specials that I just couldn't turn down..... :)

Cleaning it every 1-2 months here! 8)

I never open it just for cleaning :stuck_out_tongue: I just clean the dust filter at air intake point and thats it :slight_smile:

Snap, I just clean the air intake dust filters about once a month on my Thermaltake Soprano case.

bob I will pay you twice what you paid for it, My mac will love it 8)

I will pay you twice what you paid for it, My mac will love it
So will my other computer..... sorry, that's why a grabbed it.... :) ;D