I would like to creat task schedul in Windows 10 to force the search and update of the virus definitions. Which modul or .exe file is approporiate for that?
I would like to creat task schedul in Windows 10 to force the search and update of the virus definitions. Which modul or .exe file is approporiate for that?
Why would you need that…? Avast updates on its own anyway.
i have problems on Win10 with connecting the Wlan after system start, it adapter is enabled but Windows doesnt want to connect to my network. So i made a batch file to restart the Wlan adapter on startup and this batch file gets executed per task schaduler. The problem is that the Wlan adapter restarts late so that when Avast checks for virus definitions there is still no network. Right now I am already 4-5 hoers online but the virus def are from my last (manuel) check from 11.11. And that is not goot.
So i want to create task schedule to force the virus def update later.
Well, I’m also still on VPS 191111-0 but stream updates are working.
I believe Avast should detect when the network is available and attempt an update then.
For a “manual” check, you can use
ashUpd.exe vps
Yep, confirmed.
hm, ok that is also interesting, 2 days old virus defs :o
what is stream updates?
ah, as push updates, ok. But how did you get that it is working, can you test it?
Check: C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\defs
looks like this (see screenshot).
is everything ok?
Yep, nothing to worry about.
ok, but will keep eye on the regular virus defs if and when they get updated becuae of my auto-Wlan-connection-on-startup issue
just for the records, which is the exe file responselbe for the virus defs?
See Reply #4 from Igor.
oh, it seems i missed reply 4 and 5.
You’re welcome.