Search, Help, & MMC don't work NOW after installing avast! 4 Server Ed.

In the last couple of days, I noticed that Windows XP “Search”, “Help & Support”, and MMC didn’t display properly on my home PC–that is, I could not use any of them. After searching the forums here for help and removing/reinstalling avast! MANY times [AND reinstalling IE 6 and XP sp1a], I’ve restored XP so that those functions work now, but I cannot say the same for my Windows 2003 Server. I have not reinstalled avast! Home Ed. because of this.

I’ve searched the forums again for clues to fix the problem with 2003 Server and have reapplied IE sp’s, as well as removed/reinstalled avast! Server, but “Search”, “Help & Support”, and MMC STILL do not work. Each time I’ve used add/remove programs, rebooted, used avclear4.exe, rebooted, then scanned the registry for keys to delete. NOTHING seems to work.

As with XP, Windows Media Player no longer works on 2003 Server: “Internal error has occurred”.

What else can I do to restore my system, short of reinstalling 2003 Server?

Do you still have avast installed?
If so, go to the folder where you installed it and run the following command:

regsvr32 /u avascr.dll

that should do the trick.

I’d be interested in the background of this problem: were you upgrading from some other edition of avast? Was the problem happening all the time (since you installed avast) or was it triggered later (e.g. by an update)? I’d like to know more…
