Secunia Advisories

I receive daily security advisories from Secunia, how can I verify that Alwil is aware of these threats and that the Avast! definitions are updated accordingly.

It would appear that Alwil is not an active “partner” of Secunia, I base this on a search of their site for Alwil & Avast, perhaps you deal with them under another name.

The two advisories that have prompted me to submit this posting are to be found at:-


Hi PhilD,

Could you change the color of your text please, i had to paste it into a text document and format the color so i could read it :-\

Anyway, ob subject now.
All antiviruses call the viruses they find different names, so avast could well detect this virus, but just call it something different, you could keep an eye on here as well if you wanted:

If alwil haven’t added it already however, I’m sure it will they will add it soon because of the destructiveness of them, i know how bad these worms are because i know one or two people who have already been infected with these, but if you are worried about them, i suggest you block .pif files, or just never accept them, as 'pif files are never good.


lee16 others

sorry about the colour problem, should be fixed now. It was black on white on Firefox 1.0.1 with my minimalist theme.

I suspect I hit one of my short cuts which often cause me grief on these sort of support fora - what was wrong with NG’s anyway.

Hi PhilD,

sorry about the colour problem, should be fixed now. It was black on white on Firefox 1.0.1 with my minimalist theme.

Yep can read the text now :wink:

Anyway, it seems them two worms were only added today (8/3/06), please follow the link above to see.


Thanks Lee16 - the link you pointed me at was exactly the one I wanted.

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: Reward excellent mistakes, punish mediocre successes