Secunia scan shows Flash Player outdated after Flash 9 install

The Secunia scan was recommended to me recently by this forum and was so helpful that I tried it on a friend’s computer and did appropriate, recommended updates to his XP SP2 system. But after installing Flash Player version and re-scanning with Secunia, we get a error message that there is an outdated Flash Player. I had uninstalled the old player version before installing the new one and, as always, googling the subject brings conflicting solutions.

When attempting to watch a video, IE7 continued to give this error message “flash player 8 or later required to view this video” so I downloaded Firefox so he could watch videos.

I wanted to make my friend’s computer more secure with the Secunia but now I’ve created this problem on his computer. I have attempted to search this forum but need some expert help, please.

The Flash player can be a real pig to both install and get rid of, did you reboot after installing the latest version, hopefully the old version should be gone after that ?

If you have rebooted and checked with secunia again, if it is still there, expand the notification (the Plus sign) and see where it is located. There is also a flash uninstaller, google that, it will remove flash from all browsers so you would need to install again on firefox and IE.

I never have any problem installing Flash player updates on Firefox, but without fail installing on IE is a hassle for me taking several attempts to get it done as my security settings are a bit to tight for it.

Wow, thanks for the speedy reply, DavidR. You helped me long ago with a problem and you were very patient. When I came back to this forum I noticed that it did not recognize my login name. Do forum IDs have a time limit?

Be that as it may, I did reboot several times and still get the same warning from Secunia. I will see where it is as you suggest and uninstall and reinstall. Many thanks.

I do have another question about an issue with my Vista computer, should I submit it in a fresh post?

One more thing before you reply, on my computer the Flash folder contains four files:

  1. Flash9f.ocx
  2. FlashUtil9f
  3. install

After running the uninstaller should all the files be deleted in the Flash folder and question two:

After installing the new flash player in my friends XP computer, will I have these same four files?

You’re welcome.

Your Logon/forum ID shouldn’t run out.
You may need the uninstall tool that would probably be the quickest option,
The Vista question would probably be best in its own topic, unfortunately I don’t use it so won’t be much practical help.

As far as I’m aware the uninstall_activeX only uninstalls the activeX registration to enable it to be used with IE and not the flash player. Check out the google hits you should be able to find the stand alone flash player uninstaller, ensure you have your browsers closed when you use this.

The files should go on the uninstall and will be replaced with the current versions when you install.

Thank you so very much for helping me, DavidR!

Davidr-since flash player is mentioned here why do i get this and i have javascript enable and the lastest flash installed-this is in the firefox 3 browser-no problem with ie
this is from
Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe’s Flash Player.

No problem, let us know how you get on with the flash uninstall tool and reinstallation.

I have no idea (I don’t use youtube or ff3 so I can’t be of any practical help), it could simply be a problem with youtube and ff3 and nothing to do with javascript or old version of flash player. If you have NoScript ensure that allows the page you are visiting.

i forgot about noscript-it works now davidr-thanks

He He, forgetting your security add-ons ;D

How does Damian remember all the stuff he has-can’t begin to image all the security stuff he has and how long it takes him to get from point A to point B…
Yes Davidr “I” forgot@!#$%^

Hi Dan,

That many security related extensions, I do not have in the Fx 3.0 RC1. I will mention them. Here is my formula and I give a reason to have them aboard:

Adblock Filterset.G Updater not security related, but privacy related
Adblock Plus not security related, but privacy related, essential to me
BetterPrivacy 1.14 security related against Super Flash Cookies, DOM Storage disabling, Click-Ping disabling
Cert Viewer Plus 1.3 Security Related checking sites against Certificates
Distrust 0.5.5 Security realted
Dr.Web anti-virus link checker 1.0.15 Security related av-link online checker
Edit Cookies privacy related/security related
Finjan Secure Browsing 1.313 security related
HackBar 1.1.1 (personal trivial pen-testing)
Image Zoom 0.3.1 non-security/non-privacy
Java Quick Starter 1.0 -non-security/non-privacy
JSView 2.0.4
Live HTTP headers 0.14
Netcraft Anti-Phishing Toolbar 1.2 site-security-related data
Nightly Tester Tools 2.0.2
NoScript 1.6.9 security related essential
NSFW Detector 0.1.4
Nuke Anything Enhanced 0.68.1 non-security/non-privacy
PassiveRecon 0.3 (personal pen-testing)
RAMBack 1.0 non-security/non-privacy
SafeCache 0.9 essential security
SafeHistory 0.9 essential security
SQL Inejct Me 0.2.0 (personal trivial testing)
Web Developer 1.1.6 (essential testing)
WOT 20080519 (security related)

That is all,
