Secure browser and VPN Secure

Hi to all,

I would like to have your opinion about the best solution to be correctly protected.

I always use A. Premium security for years and this one is the best for me as AV and FW. I feel a real dilema choosing between a secure browser with a VPN included, like Secure Browser premium and the basic version of it with the use of the Avast VPN.

I tried to use the VPN Avast SecureLine only, with another browser, but I got problems with the VPN and the mail software installed on my computer. It was quite impossible to send emails, using Outlook 365, with the VPN on. I always had to disconnect the VPN each time I wished to send an email. So, once the VPN license finished, I didn’t renew it and installed the Secure browser pro

For your opinion, which solution is the best, about Internet security: Secure browser pro or Avast Secure Line ?
I use windows 10 family.

Thanks for your help finding the best possibility.



Personally, I prefer SecureLine because it covers all apps/connections and is more adjustable.