Secure-line unable to be connected

I have upgraded the Avast premier this morning. After the upgrade I found that the secureLine cannot be connected. After I re-install the windows 7 and it still cannot be connected.

Try different servers.
If you can’t connect to any of them, try again later today or tomorrow.
If you still can’t connect, mention it here.

Also mention the exact version of avast/SecureLine.

It cannot connect for every second but the internet is connected. I am in Hong Kong now. I have just reinstall the OS (Windows 7), the software version(Avast Premier) is 11.1.2245.

I have also found that I cannot access the, whenever I use IE or the safezone browser.

It is a bit strange that I can access but not

now I can access
Very strange as I had tried the DNS from ISP and custom DNS (like open DNS or level-3), it was not able to access
Now I ca access to see the ticket I have submitted about the secureLine.

Looks like it was just a glitch.
Have patience and wait for avast to respond to your ticket.
Mostly it is within 2-3 business days.