Have the same annoying problem that persists for one month.
Un- and reinstalling doesn’t fix the problem.
OS Windows 10 Pro.
Any idea about the root cause of the bug? is it a failure of ASL by itself or maybe is an internet provider guilty?
I’ve arranged an experiment, monitoring the Avast SecureLine VPN while connected to few different internet providers.
So being connected via ethernet to my cable provider the program did work for appr. two hours without disconnection. While doing that I tested the program on another laptop that was connected to a mobile internet provider. The program worked about four hours, then it disconnected. At the same time, ASL disconnected which ran via ethernet. The programs dis- and reconnected many times on both PCs and remain afterwards stable for about two hours. What could be the reason?
Hi, I have the same problems.
Can’t work like this. Always get disconnected from my virtual machine. Really annoying.
Internet for Safari works, but not Citrix anymore.
Avast says, when I turn off the VPN, I’m not 100% secured anymore. How much security is left
Do I really have to change to Symantec or similar?
I´ m using Mac OS.
Before it worked very well, since one or two weeks, I experience these problems.
Do I have to do some confgurations for Citrix, now?