I use SecureLine VPN on a Windows 7 laptop, and Chrome is my browser with home page www.google.com. When I am not connected to SecureLine and launch Chrome, the default Google.com homepage is displayed. When I AM connected to SecureLine and launch Chrome, instead of Google.com, I am redirected to Google Brasil (https://www.google.com.br/?gws_rd=cr&ei=kEwxVZq2B4rsyATXjoGgCQ). I can click on the Use Google.com link at the bottom of the page to get to google.com, but I would like to know why the redirection is occurring and how to fix this annoyance. I tried contacting Avast Tech Support, but the rep I spoke with insisted the problem was on my computer, not with SecureLine. But the redirection occurs ONLY when SecureLine is connected, NOT when it is not. That says to me that the problem is with SecureLine. Am I correct? How can I fix this. Thanks in advance for your responses.
I don’t use secure line, so I’m not familiar with it.
But I will take a stab in the dark on a possible cause - Google uses geo-location for almost everything and will try to redirect you to the local google site according to your IP address.
I just wonder what the IP address is being used by SecureLine VPN (or if you can even pin-point it) if that related to Brazil. If so I don’t know if you can select an IP location in SecureLine VPN.
In addition, The user can select different various Global Server Locations and maybe that will change the results.
Thanks for the extra clarification.
Hopefully this will allow the OP switch the Global Server Location and avoid the Google geo-location redirect, which I’m almost certain is the issue.
So where is the setting that allows me to select the Global Server Location or avoid the geo-location redirect? When I open the SecureLine window, I see the Settings icon, but I don’t see any setting related to this; in fact all of the settings appear to be for Avast Antivirus. The window does say SecureLine VPN is connected, and under the big blue Disconnect button, it says “from New York”. Again, this is more of an annoyance than a real problem, and I know that I can click on “Usar google.com” at the bottom of the window to get to google.com. but it would be nice to know how to fix this. Thanks again for your answers.
It is difficult to avoid google redirects as you have to deal with google rather than just avast.
I stopped using google searches a few years ago because of the way it changed, everything went https and that stuffed up my custom search settings. I too on many searches didn’t want to a geo-redirect to .co.uk and I believe there is a way to force it, which I can’t remember.
But a search for avoid google search redirect and I got lots of hits on Yahoo.co.uk, which I found ironic.
This was in just one of them:
The solution to stop the Google language and country redirect is simple enough: use the alternate NCR Google URL of “http://google.com/ncr” – This little known alternate Google NCR page stands for “No Country Redirect” and will always display Google.com in English – regardless of whether you’re in India, China, Brazil, Honduras, Germany, UK, New Zealand, Australia, or anywhere else on planet Earth.Here’s the Google NCR No Country Redirect URL: Just remember this, or better yet, bookmark it for when you’re traveling out of your native region:
http://www.google.com/ncr – this URL always goes to Google.com</blockquote>
This was from an old source 2011 and I don’t know if that would still be the same or if you would have to change it to https://google.com/ncr since google uses https for searches. Just tried it and the http://www.google.com/ncr appears to work as that in itself goes to the https.google.
Personally I would look in the SecureLine VPN settings, surely you must be able to access that prior to connection.
Hi hgeist,
There is a box next to the “connect” button. It is also blue with an downward pointing arrow. You can click on this and select another server location. The issue with Google is as other posters have noted, they are geo-ip locating you according to your ip. In this case, they think you are in Brazil when you may be connected through Miami, for example. We are constantly in touch with them to keep up to date our ip address range so this doesn’t happen. It is an annoyance that we are working hard to resolve.
Many thanks,
Yes, but you have to disconnect from the SecureLine server you are using, before you can choose a different server. That can be confusing for users as we see here.
Why can’t you just choose another server, and let SecureLine do the disconecting/reconecting for you ?
Greetz, Red.
I am having the same problem. Both Google and YouTube go to Brazilian sites when using Secureline VPN (YouTube shows Portuguese ads).
I noticed that by first accessing a very old bookmark for YouTube allowed the bookmarks, searches, etc. that I used/accessed later to stay in English.
Just tried https://www.google.com/ncr (NoCountryRedirect) and that seems to work in defaulting to the English web site for Google.
Not fixes but at least they can be workarounds while trying to find a permanent solution…
Well, hope that helps some…
The Google NCR hack was covered in Reply #6 above.
But as mentioned in Reply #1, #7 & #8 you can change the SecureLine server to one that would be recognised as English language location.
I thought that Google could not identify my IP and geo-locate it since I am using Secureline VPN.
Shouldn’t Google see only the IP of an Avast’s server?
Shouldn’t a VPN prevent Google from identifying my IP ?
- it won’t identify your IP address.
- but it will identify the IP of the secure line server - and geo-locate based on that IP.
- answer 1. above.
Try to connect to New York or someplace else. New York works for me, sometimes I have to connect & disconnect twice to New York to get it to work.
I use Avast SecureLine VPN and typically choose Gotham City as my location, which is in New York. Instead of Brazilian Google search, Google presents me with one for the Czech Republic, and, I get ads presented to me in my gmail account for Czech companies and services.