SecureLine VPN causes incredibly slow connection.

I have FiOS with a guaranteed 200/200 (up/down).

When I turn OFF SecureLine VPN, my speed test registers 216 down, and 197 up.

When I turn ON SecureLine VPN, my speed test registers 68 down, and 20 up.

Is this normal?

Hi, did you try other ASL server…?

I tried another location, which gave me 65/27.

I tried another location, which gave me 63/26.

And one final location, which gave me 64/50.

As soon as I turn off the Avast VPN, my speeds shoot up to the 200 range!

Using a VPN, always going to be some throughput loss. Whether Avast’s SecureLine VPN loss is exceptionally high or not cannot say. Testing other servers gave you pretty much the same throughput as you got at the first location, so this could indicate Avast servers are not set up for FIOS speeds.

Your throughput at 64/26 is not low relative to the average user. For example, mine is 22/860k DSL without Avast VPN and a little lower with it on.

Your true benefit is in privacy cloaking provided by Avast VPN and not necessarily in throughput speeds. It’s what you are paying Avast for.

Okay, all of the VPN posts are not helping me much. I am a bit offput by mchain’s reply. I live in Hawaii and am utilizing Secureline VPN via Windows XP pro 7 OS. My typical download upload speeds prior to VPN were around 70/6. with VPN on I am at a dismal 7/4. This was not a problem until week b4 last (VPN in place since 6/15/19 apprx.) Unfortunately, yesterday I needed to cancel two (2) Webinars due to this issue. Additionally, VPN was the last thing to cross my mind.
So, multiple reboots of my motorolla cable modem together with switching-out every CAT5 cable I own, and spending more than three hours on the phone to Spectrum tech support (my ISP) got me up to about 10/4 mbps. Finally, I disabled VPN and, BOOM, up to 65/6.2. So, although I understand that a VPN may slow your download/upload speed some, I did not expect it to intermitently leave my internet virtually useless.
I was put off by your comment, Evangelist mchain, because you could pay me to cloak your privacy, and I would run over and unplug your system. If this system software renders internet speeds of 10% of actual bandwidth, big red flag warnings should so advise. Also, what gives with the incredible inconsistancy? The program was running fine without noticable slow down from 6/15/2019 to two-weeks ago.
One Post reply mentions checking Optimal Server. Were they refering to within a speed test program or within Secureline VPN? If it is the speed test program of choice, that seems self evident. If it is within this VPN program, I cannot locate the area to so request.
Please do not take offense, mchain, i am just tired, and frustrated, at being nickled and dimed into the poorhouse with less than acceptable products. Of course, your’s, or any other’s, reply with help in regaining my internet funcunality and keeping the program (i.e. SecureLine VPN), that I paid good money for, operational and in effect, will of course be greatly appreciated. once again i apologize for my frustration at a program rendering my internet useless. i use a ton of Avast products and have generally been pleased. But, this circumstance is untenable
Mahalo for your understanding and assistance,

When you select Change Location you’ll always see an optimal location.