I have the latest Avast Internet Security build number 2015.10.2.2215 and the Secure Line VPN bug is still there! I tried inserting the license numerous times to no avail! Any suggestions?
Please open a support ticket and include your log file. It can be found by going to C: Program Data, Avast Software, Avast, Log, and then find the secureline.txt file.
Apologies for this inconvenience.
I have the same problem. Can’t find C: Program Data, Avast Software, Avast, Log. No log folder.
The location of the log files depends on the OS you are using.
You also may need to enable “show hidden/system files and folders” in order to see them.
Thank you for the reply! But I have contacted one of the employees and it turned out that the license was missing some data. I was given the a new license and it worked
well I contacted by phone to explain the same problem and it never resolved… no more communication and a license that’s dud … still billed for a monthly expiring in may… … check your logs to prove I never connected