Security Center repeatedly saying avast! is OFF

Pretty much every day it’s saying this. Yesterday when my system came out of sleep, now after i finished a session of Natural Selection 2 game. If i reboot the system, all is well again. Wth is going on here?

Latest avast!, fully updated of course, Win8.1 x64 fully updated. No other security apps.

A repair + reboot should fix that.

It happened again and again after i stopped playing Natural Selection 2 game. Now i really don’t understand what’s going on with avast!. It’s so stupid to make repair and reboot the system that would otherwise run for several days without a reboot easily. But i have no idea how to diagnose it as it doesn’t happen on every NS2 play, but it did happen twice and only while i was playing this game. It never happened when i was just in Windows watching movies or browsing internet.

After a repair and reboot, the issue still persists?

Have you tried excluding the game from avast!?

There could be a compatability issue with the game.