Security Patch 95.0.4638.69 Released

Hello everyone,

We are happy to announce that we have released the latest security patch (95.0.4638.69) to most of our production users. If you haven’t gotten the update automatically, please, go to About page of your Browser to trigger the update. You can read more about the patched vulnerabilities on the Chromium releases blog here.

Some of you might be asking if the vulnerabilities found in Chrome or any other Chromium-related browser might affect you. Avast Secure Browser is built on Chromium and we are working with the team as much as we can to protect your privacy & security while using the browser. We are keeping up with the Chromium patch releases and releasing them as soon as we can.

Hope you are enjoying our Browser and thank you for being with us!

Thanks for the update. :slight_smile:

hi I haven’t gotten the patch update, is there a bug that causes this ?

Hi, you’re up to date - the versioning in ASB differs a bit.