Security too tight

I am using the free version of Avast and I am very happy with the performance all around so my hats off.

But I have a question, I am using a registry defrag program and it appears that my security settings are really tight. So tight that when the program finds what it can defrag, I reboot and then I see the ODS style screen try to defrag, but then fails. According to my research this is do to security.

I tried turning off the Avast shields and that does not work. I tried running the program in Safe Mode and that does not work at all. I did uninstall Avast and then the program works, but that to me seems to be out of the question when I run the defrag.

So is there a setting in Avast that I am not seeing that some how protects the registry where I can just turn it off temporarily?

Windows 7 Pro 64-bit

Thanks again to the Avast team.

What os/sp ?
What exact version of avast ?
What registry defraggler ?

You do realize that “defragging” the registry will only make the system boot something like 0,1 second faster ?

1-Win7 SP1
3-Auslogic Reg Defrag

Yes I do.

Ok, so if you know that “defragging” the registry is not making any noticeable difference then why trying it?
Just remove orphan entries and such.
CCleaner and Glary Utilities are free and can do so.

Registry defragging is a complete waste of time and will likely do more harm than good…like corrupting your windows Disc Clean and removing the wrong files ::slight_smile:

Actually not the registry is defragmented.
The registry is kinda like a virtual thing.
There are several files that provide the entries in the registry.
So basically there is not such a thing as registry defrag at all.

And about defragging:
Q: Will it speed up things?
A: Yes it will.

Q: Will I notice it?
A: No you won’t unless you are using a FAT file system or if you use NTFS and the drive is really full.

Q: Is 301 km/h faster than 300 km/h?
A: Yes it sure is.

Q: Will you notice the difference between driving those two speeds?
A: No you won’t.

Ok, I admit it.
You could notice it if you have to travel let’s say a light-year through space ;D

OK, we are waaaaayyyy off topic here.

My question was is there a setting to turn off in Avast that will allow Auslogic to do it’s process?

Right click the avast icon in the system tray > select shield control > select how long to disable the shields.
(Don’t use the internet or any of your programs that access the internet while the shields are disabled.)
I like the others also don’t use anything that messes with the registry. Your computer, your choice.

@ Eggbert
I have no idea what Auslogic Reg Defrag is doing, but I use RegSeeker by HoverDesk and avast has no issue with that.

My only guess is that it is trying to remove an avast related registry entry, then it wouldn’t matter if you had the shields disabled, the problem could lie with the avast self-defence module, AvastUI > Settings > Troubleshooting. Turning it of whist you do the defrag might work.

Unfortunately there is insufficient information to say for sure.

Since avast doesn’t run in safe mode, there can’t really be an interaction with Auslogic Reg Defrag. But then the question is, is Auslogic Reg Defrag able to run in safe mode either ?

@bob3160 - thanks for the reply, but I already tried that in my original post without success.

@DavidR - So dug around Auslogic and no Safe Mode, however, you struck gold. Turned off the setting and it worked. Thank you very much for that.

Thank you everyone for your help.

The best advice I can pass along to you is the following:
Unless you’re an expert at cleaning the registry, leave it alone.
“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”
The time saved by cleaning and/or defragging your registry is minimal at best.
One wrong entry or one removal of an entry in the registry can lead to much dismay and,
can leave your system unbootable.
Your computer, your choice. :slight_smile:

You’re welcome.