security tool removal (successfully removed)

My mom’s computer got infected with Security Tool, due to my grandson playing online games.

When I tried to run Malwarebytes, Superantispyware, this fake antivirus(Security tool) blocked it and wouldn’t let them open. I tried to stop the rogue software , many ways and nothing worked for me.

Finally the one thing that worked, I want to share my success and hope it helps someone else.

It took 3 tries, I would hold down, ctrl, alt, and delete when I started the computer. Trying to click on the end task as soon as Security tool was loading. On the 3rd try I was able to accomplish this. Stopping the rogue, fake antivirus, then I was able to do a system restore to earlier date. It worked!!
Then I opened Malwarebytes, updated it and ran it. Removing malware. I opened superantispyware, updated it and ran it, it removed even more.

Before I took mom’s computer back to her, I made sure the critical updates were up to date, made sure the spyware software was the most resent version and ran it. Checked to make sure Avast was up to date on program and definations. Thanks Avast, this forum is a great help.

Today started out feeling bad that my grandson had infected my 78 yr old mom’s NEW computer, but by afternoon I felt like I was a computer whiz.

Hi Speckle bird,

Welcome to the forum of avast software,

By the way, this is a great sharing for us and please keep protect yourself with avast! antivirus and combined with other tools of security which is can supported by avast! software.


Good job of it, speckledbird, and thanks for sharing so that others may be helped. :slight_smile:

Do you recommend installing MBAM(purchased one). When I was reading for a solution to rid mom’s computer of Security Tool fake antivirus, in research, MBAM site stated that if I had the purchased version, it wouldn’t have let this horrible Security Tool install on the computer.

I am just wondering if I should buy MBAM, instead of using the free version, for our computers. I don’t ever want to deal with another infection like this one, if avoidable.

SAS has one to buy also. Which one would you buy, if you wanted the extra protection. I know I can’t run the purchased versions of both MBAM and SAS on the same computer. Just one real-time scanners on a computer.

Mom’s computer is XP home, 64. She uses the windows firewall, Avast5.0, free. SAS free and MBAM free. Spywareblasters. All of these are updated and newest version. All critical updates up to date.

I do all the maintance on my mom’s computer and I have learned by doing and reading forums like yours. Thank you so much for helping us, when we are in trouble. You are much appreciated.

For the most part you would only need the free on-demand version, as avast does include anti-spyware protection.

However, that said I have the SAS Pro (paid) version and MBAM free on-demand. Why did I go for SAS, I had it first as the free version and liked the product so I paid the one off fee to get the resident Pro version. This was before I came across MBAM and like a resident anti-virus, you should only install one resident anti-spy/malware application.

SAS has some functions that MBAM doesn’t and vice versa, but they are both good products. Given what I know about both I would probably have MBAM as resident and SAS as on-demand. Having paid once for SAS I feel obliged to continue with that and not buy another resident option and disable resident protection in SAS.

Another vote for MBAM.

Agreed with DavidR, they are both have some unique features that could completed each others.


I’ve used both SAS and MBAM, and now have MBAM free (on-demand) on 2 machines and MBAM paid (resident) on 1 machine per my preference.

And another one.

SAS also has a handy portable edition,, no installation required. This is more a troubleshooting option than something to use on a regular basis as you would have to update it prior to use.