Seek defaults for Standard Shield's settings

Is there somewhere I can refer to which lists the defaults for the STANDARD SHIELD’s settings?

I have messed around too much with the Standard Shield’s settings in Normal, High and Custom.
Now Avast slows down my system far more than it used to!

I want to reset the settings back to the defaults and start again.

The defaults are the High or the Normal levels.
Only Custom level could be customizable.
So, if you want the defaults, choose High or Normal.
Differences are on help files but, basically, Normal does not scan all file on open/create/modify operations, if I’m not wrong.

Unfortunately that is not my experience. It is possible to customize NORMAL and HIGH. For example if you change any of your Silent Mode settings in the Advanced tab then those changes will remain in place and the slider will show that you have changed NORMAL (or HIGH).

I think the change is reflected across all three slider settings.

So I am still in a mess from when I changed settings too much. What would the default settings be for the Standard Shield?

Maybe I should uninstall and then reinstall to get them? I see to recall that Avast can remember settings between installations so perhaps a thorough manual purge before reinstalling is needed. But this seems a bit too much when all I really want to do is check or uncheck the standard settings in the Standard Shield.

Can anyone help me out?

Silent mode and other settings does not change the security level but just automation of the antivirus.

HIGH is the default: scans for open/create/modified files with the standard group of extensions selected.

Fortunately for you, avast! does not ‘recall’ previous installations settings.
Other users want this option to not have to configure it all over again. Some settings are on avast4.ini and avast4.mdb files.