Seeking advice [URL:Mal] Avast says my web site is infected, but noone else do.

Hello world

I would like some advice on my current situation:

Each time I click a link on my own personal web site Avast pops up and says it has blocked outgoing traffic.
I have tried installing the latest version of the e107 web site software that I use, but the problem persists.

I have tried using various web site scanners for malware and virus but all come back clean.

This is what Avast tells me when it blocks the traffic:

Sorry for the danish language, but it should still be readable, if not here is what it says:

Malicious address blocked

Avast network shield has blocked a malicious website.

Infection: URL:Mal
Action: Blocked
Process: C:\Program Files…

my web site, for those who dare is

Any advice or help is highly appriciated!

  • Tom

your site is blocked correctly.
problem is with “” where we detect JS:Downloader, what is a reason why your site was added in our blacklist.
At the first try to check your 404 page or try to contact your provider for help.
Best regards
Jan Sirmer

Hi TomJens,

The site ip was also abused in email phishing in the past, site might be now being cleansed, because I get an “unable to connect”,


Thank you for your assistance and answers guys :slight_smile:

now the site is clean no redirection to…