Self-Defense Module Program Exclusions?

Hi. First post. How’s everybody doing? :smiley:

Anyway, I tried searching around the board, but haven’t seen any topics that directly address this:

Can exclusions be made in the self-defense module (in this case, of the free avast! Antivirus) for programs installed on my machine so that they may freely interact with avast! programs and/or function without creating conflictions with avast! services without the need to entirely disable the self-defense module?

I ask because of avast!'s apparent memory leak issues, which–on my positively ancient PC with very, very little spare RAM–can serve to cripple my machine when attempting to run more intensive programs. I use a program that regularly flushes my RAM to free up unused memory and after some experimentation in deactivating the self-defense module, I found that the memory-flusher very effectively mitigates the memory leak and noticeably speeds up my PC.

Is there a feature within the software that would allow for exclusions within the module from user-identified trusted software like this? If not, why isn’t there and how might I suggest this to the developers? I can’t imagine I’d be the only one benefiting from something like this, even beyond a memory-flusher.

Thanks in advance for any consideration or assistance.

No, there’s no such possibility (and I don’t think it is going to change, sorry).