Avast Self-Defense is enabled yet I can, for example, copy a file to the Avast Software\Avast program files folder and rename a dll. What is going on? I have never previously questioned Avast Self-Defense.
I use Agnitum Outpost Firewall Pro 9.3. Such antics are rigorously prevented in the Agnitum\Outpost Firewall Pro program files folder by Outpost’s Self-Protection.
I am using Avast Free 18.3.2333.
Adding a file doesn’t mean it will be used. It also doesn’t change Avast in any way.
Deleting, accessing or changing on of the Avast files is a different story.
Good morning Bob. We hope that our mere 46 years of happiness extends further and that you two keep blazing the trail for many years to come.
I had assumed that Agnitum and Avast would have created very similar self-protection but your assurances are more than adequate for my peace of mind.
It should not be possible to create/rename/modify any file in “c:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast” folder. Not if Avast self-defense is enabled. This looks like self defense in not enabled at all. Can you please attach:
- Console output from “sc.exe query aswsp” command
- Dump of “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\aswSP” registry key (regedit.exe-> File-> Export)
- What (full path) .dll you have been able to rename?
He didn’t say he renamed any file within the folder. He said he copied a file from somewhere else and then pasted it into the
Avast program folder.
Something I can’t do.