Self destructing data - Vanish

Hi malware fighters,

A person can make a posting, send a mail and give the time the posting or should exist before self destruction and use Vanish and self-destruct the data thereof. Polonus just wants his postings to stay here, but if you want to use self destructing data to post, mail etc. then download and install Vanish, it is also there as a Firefox extension:


Here today, gone tomorrow…
We die soon enough. I would rather leave something behind. :slight_smile:

Hi bob3160,

Agree with you, but as long as people are remembered by others they are far from dead.
Just, you think about that one.
But in the old days ages went by like a sponge without anything happening, this lasted until the wheel was invented, and now in our lifetime what have we seen as new developments are going faster and faster. Time seems to fly by and as we get older the weeks seem to fly faster and faster still. Have a nice weekend, bob, - it is almost Monday…


Have a nice weekend, bob

You too Damien. :slight_smile:

Wow what a nice software!^^

Ahhhh im going to use it for pranks^^

Thanks Pol^^


Anyone else notice this?

Vanish leverages the world-wide Vuze DHT as its underlying storage system. As a result, once you install Vanish, your machine will participate in the Vuze network.

Vuze is the easiest way to find, download, and play HD videos - the most powerful p2p bittorrent app in the world.

I knew I would not like it.

Vuze is the easiest way to find, download, and play HD videos - the most powerful p2p bittorrent app in the world.

Perils of P2P File Sharing:

New digital security program doesn’t protect as promised

quote :

University of Texas at Austin scientists have shown that they can break “Vanish,” a program that promised to self-destruct computer data, such as emails and photographs, and thereby protect a person’s privacy.

Hi nmb,

Visiting the avast webforums is a continuous learning process for me and many others I presume, thank you all for posting here,

your virtual forum friend,


For me, Photographs are a treasure to be shared. :slight_smile:


just to clarify - actually, when i read about vanish, i thought it was really good. but when i saw unvanish, i thought to post here - for those who are using it.

(i have no worries with you, pol :))

Security researchers ask: Does self-destructing data really vanish?