When I go to email a 2006 pic (outlook express) from My Pictures (my digital camera pics) Avast warning comes on saying potention virus, but if I send out a 2005 pic, it goes out fine. Why can’t I email a 2006 pic? Somebody help me please!!!
Hi annemtt - welcome to the forum.
What is the name of the virus avast! reports?
I assume that you also got a visual alert ?
avast should also have a pop-up alert giving some more information, like what mauserme mentions.
Thanks so much for replying. It’s my first time on this forum but it’s so nice to have where you can ask for help. It’s not actually a virus per say. When I right click on the picture to send, it says Caution Potential Infection was detected - continue or don’t send" and the alarm goes off scarring the wits out of me.
Obviously I really am a NEWBIE!!! I thought I was replying to David R and it looks like I replied to my own question. Guess I’ll have to go in and see how I reply!!!
Try this -
Navigate to the picture you’re trying to send, right click it, and click the avast! option to scan the file. Does this produce a warning?
Can you post a screenshot of the image ?
What is the image file type .jpg, png, gif, etc. (is it like this one (see image) ?
As mauserme mentions you could scan the image and see what that brings from avast, it may simply be a suspicious file type, non standard file type. If as I suspect it is the avast email heuristics, Suspicious Message alert, that doesn’t mean it is infected, but it should allow you to ignore and send it anyway ?
Hi thanks very much. Picture will scan with NO problem at all - just goes to the avast “with the blink of an eye” I just noticed this and I wonder if it has anything to do with it. I’m trying to figure it out with Avast and maybe it’s not even a problem with Avast. When I “stopped the Avast protection to send out the picture” it said sending 1 of 2 and when the person got the picture this is what was in the subject line
Emailing Anne1 009 Anne 1 009.jpg (1/2)
It looks like it’s trying to send the same pic out twice and that may be what’s causing the Avast problem. Only 1 pic goes out. Thanks for continuing to help me with this problem.
No, from Program Settings (right click avast icon), Common, and tick the Show Results of Explorer Extension. The idea of the quick scan is that it doesn’t show results if there is no infection, but will wake the dead if there is.
You didn’t say if the image I posted was the same as you saw ?
If so that should say the reason it is suspicious ?
Is this the attachment name “Anne1 009 Anne 1 009.jpg (1/2)” ?
If so try loosing the spaces, not god in file names e.g. Anne1-009-Anne1-009.jpg (1/2)
What is the attachment size there may be a restriction at you ISP email server ?
Thanks, David, for continuing to help me. The message when I scanned it (right this time!) is: No of scanned Files 2 (wonder why 2 when only 1 pic??) No of Scanned folders - 0; Total size of scanned file 997.8kb; no of infected files 0. No the message is NOT the same as the one you sent The "disc "on your pic is the same but mine just has on top avast! Virus warning (greyed out) - Suspicious Message in bold and then Partial Message Danger and delete or continue. Only sending 1 pic Anne 1 009.jpg but when the receiver gets it, it says anne 1 009 and then duplicates it again and puts the jpg at the end anne 1 009 anne 1 009.jpg Dont’t think size is a program with my isp. Thanks again!
Some files has ‘internal’ objects. avast scans and show the number of scanned objects in that file and not only the file itself.
I too would wonder why an image file would show more than a single file this may have something to do with stored image information that can be stored with some digital camera images. That to might also be what is throwing avast or the email program, but that should also appear on the quick scan.
I would suggest you don’t have spaces in image names, if for no other reason that to humour me ;D and it would eliminate a suspicion that the spaces in the file name could have an effect.
Outlook Express can be very picky about file names and file types avast’s heuristics could also choke on the spaces in the attached file name is this can often be used to deceive what the true purpose of file.
If you can provide a screenshot of the error that would be useful to us ?
Press The Alt key plus the Print Screen key that will copy the active window into the clipboard, paste that into your photo editor or MS Paint, etc. and save it as a .jpg, you can then post it here.
First of all I have a little confession to make: the problem is with a friend’s computer but I thought it would be easier to explain it as if it were my problem. I just came back from there and changed a pic to (for example boat) and we still get the same message. I have the pic saved as a jpg but I don’t know how to post it here. I can copy it, but can’t paste it. Need help with that too. It is bugging me to no end why some pics are ok and others are not. This Suspicious Warning has 2 options continue or don’t send. if you select don’t sent, it keeps spinning and saying suspicious message so you have to continue. When I sent the pic to my email, when I got back here I get the SAME message - and the siren going full tilt. I’m sorry to bother you with this but I sure hope you can help. Why some pics will go and others won’t is beyond me. There HAS to be a reason. When I got back the same so called pic came in about 6 times - i think it was all the times we tried to delete it before we finally said continue. I also go this email subject: from Avast4 subject: avast!heuristic-WARNING and the body of msg says Partial Message Danger! I think I may up deleting avast and try my ISP’s anti virus and try sending the same pic and see if I run into the same problem - do you think I should try that?
Check this out about posting an image in the forums http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=8982.0. You must first have captured the image and saved it as an image file format as I mentioned earlier, you can’t just copy and past it into the post, it first needs to be converted from the clipboard data to an image file.
If you are going to send emails with image attachments there is nothing to stop you stopping the outbound email scan (see image) or you could stop scanning outbound email completely, not something I would recommend.
Have you tried what I suggested with the no spaces in the image file name ?
We ask questions and offer suggestions to eliminate possibilities and to try and give as detailed information as possible. If you don’t answer the questions or try the suggestions and let us know the outcome, we are in the dark and keep guessing, which doesn’t help us or you.
Short answer to switching to your ISPs AV solution, NO. You don’t even know what there AV is or if it would provide the same level of protection or flexibility as avast and to switch for what is a pain but not a security issue I feel is a poor choice, the decision is entirely yours though it is your system. You have also got to consider what happens if you experience a problem with that AV, who will support you then.
Hi David. Thanks once again. I’m sorry if I am taking up so much of your time. I thought I was answering all your ?'s. I did remove the spaces and it still didn’t work and I even changed one of the pics to just boat. I can’t send the image right now because both our email addresses are on it and I don’t want them posted. If I can figure out a way to delete them, then I’ll send it using your file which I bookmarked. OK on changing to another anti-virus. I won’t do that. On one of the pics I tried to send at the very top (in the blue) it says Avast Virus Warning. ON the side is the little gold disc, Under the virus warning in big black letters is Suspicious Message! Then in a block under that it has Partial Message Danger! And then Sender (with email add) Recipient: (with email add) and this is the STRANGE PART on the subject it has Subject: Emailing:boat boat.jpg (2/2)
Why it is saying boat twice is beyond me. It was only 1 pic of a boat! Like I said, it doesn’t happen with ALL pics but it sure is a nuisance with the ones it does happen to. They were all taken the same way and with the same camera! Maybe there is no solution. I’m after taking Avast out 2 or 3 times now and putting it back in but still no luck.
I think you should try scanning one of the emailed files at Jotti
I’m at a loss as to what avast might be finding suspicious, I don’t know what Partial Message Danger! might mean, to me partial could mean either the body of the email or anything for that matter.
What is the sensitivity in The Internet Mail provider and in the Heuristic Tab ?
You could progressively lower the Heuristic sensitivity from High, Medium and Low, etc. You will notice with each lowering of the sensitivity that less options are checked, at each lowering of the sensitivity try sending the email again until hopefully it is successful. So by elimination something in the list of checked options not present that is the one or ones to concentrate on.
You could also set the Heuristic sensitivity to Custom, that allows access to other more detailed options, see image.
Well David, this time I have good news and bad news! The good news is that I first went to Heuristics and set it to Custom and then ticked off the block that said "Attachment check (according to name) and sent out the so called “trouble” pics again, and they went out fine. The bad news is that when I got home (I sent them to my email) I was the one getting the “siren” message from avast saying attention, potential infection and I had to keep hitting continue in order for the pics to come in. Now I’m wondering: by changing the Heuristics to custom, the Internet Mail is now on custom and not on HIGH as mine is. Is AVAST still safe in protecting her computer? Is it not checking as many things as it would by having it on high. Please let me know. Right now my friend is estatic to be rid of the “siren” and to know that her pics are going out ok. I’m not sure if the people she is sending them to will be able to get them or not. I’ll have to get her to check that. I know other times they got the email but no pic there to look at. So the problem seems to be in a setting somewhere. I’ll let you know if others can open her email. Thanks again!
It will still have a High categorisation as you haven’t changed any of the other functionality only the Heuristic settings, you should notice the List of Items checked to the right of the sensitivity slider still shows the same list as it was with High.
Did you get more than one image or just the malformed attachment name ?
It is likely that this malformed name is the cause, but I have no idea why it is happening.
What software are you using to save your digital camera images to your hdd ?
You might want to thing about using a different option or convert using a freeware program called irfanview.
I use Outlook Express and no problems sending images, but something you might want to check, Tools, Options, Security, uncheck the Do not allow attachments to be saved that could potentially be a virus. You would be surprised what MS think is a potential virus file type and see if that has any effect.
Hi David. Well I hope this will be the “end” of this problem. What I did was change the Heuristic Settings on my computer to match her, and everything is GREAT now - on her end and on my end so I’m going to leave it as is. But to answer your other questions, I was only getting one image. The software was the one that came with the camera which is a HP Photosmart 612. I did hear about Infranview and that’s a possibility but right now everything seems to be working great. The “security” under tools etc. was already unchecked. So I just want to thank you sincerely for all your help (and others who replied) and to say I’m a happy camper once again. This forum is an excellent one and I was fortunate enough to have you “stick with me” on this problem. My sincere thanks!