Sensitivity level control

I guess it must do something but I can’t find anything in the help section that tells you exactly what the implications are of adjusting the sensitivity level and does it work on all of the scanners or not?

Do you mean the settings in the on-access window (first picture)?

if you mean that, you can click onto the “Details”-Button to see more information.

if you then click on customize (second picture) you can set what you want and also see what changes by setting the sensitivity level…

basically it works on all parts of the Avast AV (if you set it in window in the first pucture)…

There are in help files a lot of text about changing sensitivity level of each provider.
Are you concerned with any provider in special?
Welcome to avast forums.

There are in help files a lot of text about changing sensitivity level of each provider.
Are you concerned with any provider in special?
Welcome to avast forums.

I can only see information on the sensitivity control for “Outlook & Internet Mail” I can’t see any other information on this for the other protection modules which each have a sensitivity control slider but absolutely no information about what each setting relates to. Perhaps I am missing something if so please point me in the right direction or an explanation of the sensitivity settings for each protection module would be appreciated.

Standard Shield - Provider Settings
Normal. Default setting.
High. In addition to the default setting, created and modified files will be scanned as well.

Outlook/Exchange - Provider Settings Normal. Default setting. High. In addition to the default setting, even read messages are scanned on open and the heuristic sensitivity is set to High.
Internet Mail - Provider Settings Normal. Default setting. High. The heuristic sensitivity is set to High.
Script Blocking - Provider Settings Instant Messaging - Provider Settings P2P Shield - Provider Settings Network Shield - Provider Settings Web Shield - Provider Settings

Normal. The setting does not have any meaning for this provider.
High. The setting does not have any meaning for this provider.

Important addition:
Normal - only files in the extension list are scanned (really only PE files)
High - all files are scanned

Thanks for the replies, I understand now, it just confused me that the same slider setting was apparently available on all modules but there was no information to say it actually didn’t work on some.


You’re welcome. Feel free to come back any time you need help you just to change experiences 8)