SEO Spam on website...

This is a suspicious page
Result for 2015-04-08 21:00:08 UTC
Website: htxp://
Start URL: htxp://
Start URL was redirected to another page: htxp://
Checked URL: htxp://
Trojans detected:
Object: htxp://
SHA1: 6453092dccc3566b4b7fea68f1818739d34823ad
Name: TrojWare.JS.Agent.caa →

6 instances of Known javascript malware. Details:
t=‘’;}}x[l-a]=z;}document.write(‘<’+x[0]+’ ‘+x[4]+’>.‘+x[2]+’{‘+x[1]+’}</‘+x[0]+’>');}xViewState();
WordPress version outdated: Upgrade required.
Outdated WordPress Found: WordPress Under 4.0


nope … none

Hi Pondus,

Do not look for SEO Spam sites at VT logs, they do not flag them there.
Best chance with Sucuri’s and killmalware has them all.
Also SEO Spam can be shortlived.


Do not look for SEO Spam sites at VT logs, they do not flag them there.
i dont ... i download and scan the html file to see who detect

confirmed infected by Norman/BlueCoat and detection added SEOPoisoning.A