SerifSwatchesPanel.dlll missing - Unable to Launch PagePlus X7

This is a major problem.

I was working all day using Serif™ PagePlus X7 yesterday, as usual, but today was unable to initialise the program because Avast has sent “SerifSwatchesPanel.dll” to the Virus Chest.

I have tried restoring the file, but Avast just quaranteens it again. I have tried repairing the program from the DVD but the repair fails, so I am still unable to launch the program. I can launch PagePlus X6 OK, but I want to use the latest version.

What else can I try?

I turned of the file system scan until the next time I reboot my computer.

That’s not a proper solution, but at least I can run PPX7 now.

This is the second time in less than 3 months that Avast has stopped me using my favourite program. I hope this false positive will be fixed soon.

Isn’t there some way to notify me before moving files to quaranteen so that I can decide that it is does not pose a risk?

Put it in the “Exclusions” list in the File System Shield - but only if you are absolutely certain that the avast! detection was a false positive. You should also notify avast! that it is a false positive.

Thanks. That seems to have worked.

upload to avast lab so they can correct the detection

You can report a possible FP here:
you may add a link to this topic in case they reply

you can also use mail

send to in a password protected zip file
mail subject: false positive
zip password: infected

or you can send files from avast chest
how to use the chest.

I have sent the file by email.