
My a-squared free detected a system file that inferace by trojon downloader.win32.agent.kgv.The risk level show that very high,but i cannot delete the file because it is system file.So i quarantined the file.The file name is svchost.exe.I’m using XP Pro SP2.Avast Pro 4.8 beta and Super Spyware didn’t detect that. Please help me fix that problem…Thanks.

:slight_smile: Hi :

A-squared has a reputation of having “excessive” False-Positives ; would
recommend you ask on THEIR Support Forums for assistance ; better to have
the FREE Ver of “SUPERAntiSpyware” from .

What is the infected file names location, where was it found e.g. (C:\windows\system32\ ?

If this were in a different folder to the usual location for XP (windows\system32) it would be more suspicious.

You could also check the offending/suspect file at: VirusTotal - Multi engine on-line virus scanner and report the findings here. I feel virustotal is the better option as it uses the windows version of avast (more packers supported) and there are currently over 30 different scanners.

Like Spiritsongs said, a-squared is notorious for its false positives.
Take care and submit the file to VirusTotal as David said.

I had check with VirusTotal and found nothing.Thanks to yours and i deleted a-squared install spyware terminator.

Spyware Terminator still have false positives from time to time. No software is perfect.
Don’t delete the files, send to Quarantine :wink: