Server access being denied by aVast.

SBS SP1 Pre Server
aVast SBS Suite
Mix Win2K, WinXP Clients
Full AD setup with folder redirection

After having the server suite installed for a week with no issues of the actual server scanners other than replacing the proxy scanner dll to stop file corruption all of a sudden all clients were being denied access to the redirected folders. Windows reported a “security descriptor” event, users would not get their docs or desktop with logons taking forever. Eventually even proxy stopped allowing web browsing and then the administrator got locked out of console.

Had to hard crash the server >:(, boot into safe mode, disable all avast services, reboot and then uninstall avast. After that all access was fine as it had been prior to the problems and even prior to avast installation on the server.

I suspect an update came down which broke access however it really doesn’t matter what broke it but the fact I had to take down a client for hours and hard crash a server has me very concerned about reinstalling.

I have been having similar problems with my 2003 server. Windows take forever to login to domain. System resources / shares are no longer available over time. You cannot login with remote desktop or even at the server. It says Applying Settings forever. You have to crash the server hard! To ensure it was Avast, I installed twice and had the same problems. Initially it seems OK but within a week the problems arise. After the uninstall the server runs as good as it can.

We have another 2003 server running our EMR program that is experiencing unexplained slow downs. Removing the AV product from it tonight or tomorrow. Will advise on that when complete.

The Avast home version is great but I think they have some work to do on their corporate products. I really want to buy their software for 6 servers and 125 desktops but could not recommend them at this time.

Please try swithing off providers as apposed to completely removing the product. Its obviously one of them playing up.

Someone from Tech will reply soon