I am getting the same thing on the license issus that the guy was posting about in “Server and Exchange license issue” I have emailed sells 3 times and emailed support. I need some info as I needed to buy a lot of copys and when I went ahead and got a copy of what I was thinking I needed and it has not worked no one is there to help me work this out this is not good and I know why we have stayed with norton for the past 4 years this is total BS that I can’t even get support to email me back about things not working…
Can I have my money back now and at least I am glad I did not spend the $5000.00 on your software I had planed on…
Oliver Walker
e-Docs USA
06.08.2004 10:41:59 general: Started: 06.08.2004, 10:41:59
06.08.2004 10:41:59 general: Running setup_av_srv-9a (154)
06.08.2004 10:41:59 system: Operating system: Windows2000 ver 5.0, build
2195, sp 4.0 [Service Pack 4] SERVER
06.08.2004 10:41:59 system: Computer WinName: MAINSERVER
06.08.2004 10:41:59 system: Windows Net User: MAINSERVER\Administrator
06.08.2004 10:41:59 general: Cmdline: /downloadpkgs /noreboot /updatevps
/silent /progress
06.08.2004 10:41:59 general: DldSrc set to inet
06.08.2004 10:41:59 general: Operation set to INST_OP_UPDATE_GET_PACKAGES
06.08.2004 10:41:59 general: Old version: 9a (154)
06.08.2004 10:41:59 system: Computer DnsName: mainserver
06.08.2004 10:41:59 system: Computer Ip Addr:
06.08.2004 10:41:59 internet: SYNCER: Type: -1
06.08.2004 10:41:59 internet: SYNCER: Auth: 0
06.08.2004 10:41:59 package: Part prg_av_srv-9a is installed
06.08.2004 10:41:59 package: Part vps-43202 is installed
06.08.2004 10:41:59 package: Part news-40 is installed
06.08.2004 10:41:59 package: Part setup_av_srv-9a is installed
06.08.2004 10:41:59 general: Old version: 9a (154)
06.08.2004 10:42:00 file: SetExistingFilesBitmap: 202->145->145
06.08.2004 10:42:00 general: GUID: 5c8b264b-906a-401b-9ec0-2fc48c337789
06.08.2004 10:42:00 general: Server definition(s) loaded for ‘main’: 8
06.08.2004 10:42:00 general: SelectCurrent: selected server ‘Download5 AVAST
server’ from ‘main’
06.08.2004 10:42:00 general: Entered SetupProcessWin32Avast::Do(
06.08.2004 10:42:00 general: Entered SetupProcessWin32::Do(
06.08.2004 10:42:00 general: Entered SetupProcess::Do(
06.08.2004 10:42:00 general: progress thread start
06.08.2004 10:42:00 general: progress start - 1
06.08.2004 10:42:00 general: progress start - 2
06.08.2004 10:42:00 general: Server definition(s) loaded for ‘main’: 8
06.08.2004 10:42:00 general: SelectCurrent: selected server ‘Download4 AVAST
server’ from ‘main’
06.08.2004 10:42:02 general: Invalid license, return value: 0x0000A4A7
06.08.2004 10:42:02 general: Invalid license, return value: 0x0000A4A7
06.08.2004 10:42:02 general: License expired
06.08.2004 10:42:02 general: progress end - 1
06.08.2004 10:42:02 general: Err:The license key for this product is invalid
or expired.
Whom (to which address) did you send the emails, exactly? And when?
I need some info as I needed to buy a lot of copys and when I went ahead and got a copy of what I was thinking I needed and it has not worked no one is there to help me work this out
Well finally you’ve found the right place. Let’s hope we can work it out together.
I have some questions:
What parts (products) are deployed on the server, exactly? Avast Server Edition? With some plugins (Exchange, ISA etc…)?
This error is received when using which license? The demo one?
If you look in the avast License Manager (accessible e.g. via the About box), what does it show about the expiration date?
So you’ve already bought the product? When? Did you use the same e-mail address to do the purchase as you’re using here?
BTW closer analysis of the log indicates the following possiblity:
you only have purchased a license for the Server Edition itself.
you do have installed some plugins (Exchange, ISA), but unfortunately, there’s no license for them now (as the demo license has been replaced by the release license that lacks these plugins).
The workaround consists in uninstalling of the plugins.
Please go to Control Panel → Add/Remove Programs → avast! Antivirus → Change/Remove → Change, and make sure to disable (uninstall) the server plugins (provided you have not bought a license for them).
I emailed support@asw.cz and just so you know I hav tried uninstalling the things you asked for and I get the same thing so I am just going to give up on your server edition ???
It’s really sad as I love your home edition and it’s nice and easy to use, setup, and install. but now I don’t about buying 300 copys of the Professional and moving all our systems over to avast.
And no I did not use the same email address the item was paid from as with most bigger places one person pays for items and I am the network administrator here so I don’t do the buying I only tell other what to buy for my network…
I emailed support@asw.cz and just so you know I hav tried uninstalling the things you asked for and I get the same thing so I am just going to give up on your server edition
Why do you want to give it up so quickly? Don’t you want to try to find out where the problem is and remove it instead?
PS can we have our money back for the server software
It’s your right to get the money back if you’re not satisfied with the product but again, I don’t quite understand why you want to give it up so easily… :-\
Can you send me the file \setup\setup.ini from the Server Edition? It should contain records for all the components installed…
Also, what exactly have you bought? Just the plain Server Edition?
Can I have my money back now and at least I am glad I did not spend the $5000.00 on your software I had planed on....
So you spend money on something and don't want to invest time in learning to understand the application or learning how to trouble shoot?
First you say you have mailed “sells” 3 times, than you say you have mailed “support”… There is a difference between them. Where did you send the mail to?
Then you say " you have to buy a lot of copies" but in a next reaction you say it is not you who does the purchase.
You say “I have tried uninstalling the things you asked for” which means the uninstall wasn’t succesfull.
I can go on and on, but basicly it comes to this imho:
You are expecting a “delicate” application to work on a “delicate” system to work right after installation without changing a setting or anything else and without having any knowledge about the application?
You are forgetting that the home edition and the server edition are quiet different. A network is really something else than a stand alone system and you can’t just aspect the server edition to work like the home one.
It looks like you installed the server edition and run into some (little?) troubles. I can understand that it can be frustating when you espect something and it isn’t happening right away. I’ve had the same thing several time in the almost 25 years I am working with comps. But problems happen, you just need to spend a little time and efford to solve them.
Don’t give up on Avast so easy. (Walking away is the easiest way, remember) Look at it from the bright site!!! Norton didn’t gave you any support at all, Vlk (and I am sure others will also do if needed) right from the start!
Have some patience and follow his lead. I’m sure your problem will be solved and after that you will be very pleased with Avast.
I moved it over to a system for testing as when Avast crashed my web server when it stopped working on our other server.
that was installed on a server and I only installed standard shield on it and get the same thing…
and as for you Eddy I have not given up yet I have speant the last 4 days tring to get it working but I have 29 servers and over 300+ computers out there I look over and if it’s going to take this long for each one there is no way I am moving to norton to avast even if it is better and yes I do know it is…
well lets see when you work for most bigger places not ever one there will order what ever then need we have one person that does all that for us here and I tell her what software I want and she gets it for me later that day. it works out a lot better that way as I don’t have time to be running around buying and keeping track of software and who we need to pay !!
and yes Eddy I know that servers and home computer arr not the same.
I have been a network admin now for 10 years so I know what I am doing but when I “or edocs” gets something that is so much money it should work out of the box just like norton does…
I uninstalled it from the main server Vlk as it has never worked on that computer at all that and it was crashing the system when updates stopped working after I uploaded the dat file to it…
“3. at this moment, the updates stoped working.”
So no thats not what happened if thats what you think
PS I emailed you the info and the updates never worked
The only error I have gotten is
" The license key for this product is invalid or expired"
Did you get the key I emailed it to you and the log file I put up here is from that type of update. If you really want I too can put up nice photo showing mine too…
You know it really looks like you guys just sent me a bad license so why cann’t you just get me a new one sent to me after all you work for avast also did you get my email ???