server not listed

I just installed avast! Endpoint Protection Suite with Enterprise Administration Console on a Windows 2008 R2 server. The install went smoothly, but when I launch the console there is no server listed. I’ve searched for relevant forum postings, rebooted, and checked that the avast! and SQL services are running. I see a server name can be typed in, but I don’t know what it might be.

Any hints?

use loop back ip address ( as server name and try with default login
username :Administrator
if still issue Open EAS maintenance tool from start-> all program-> Avast enterprise administration
Check sql connection and db connection, make sure both are OK

Need help here as well.
The DB checks ok using the tool.
When I try to login for the first time using “Administrator” and “admin” the error returns:
“No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it”

Any ideas?

Perhaps it was locked out from tryin so hard :slight_smile:
Works now…

Thank God for old threads! Have been banging my head against the wall for two days over this exact problem - using the loopback address seems to have resolved it.