Server not seen by ADNM

Hi Guys,

I have ADNM running and for the clients everything works OK finally.
Now i want to deploy the netserver client to our servers (Windows 2003)

I created a package of netserver client and made an deployment task to install Avast serverclient.
Than I run the task on the specified server and the task is going to processing.
After a few minutes i get the message that the installation is done, than I reboot the server manually.
Wenn I log on to the specified server I see the avast symbol running in the taskbar and als I can enter to the settings and other options which are available. So everything looks normal.

But wenn I check the ADNM console, the server is not listed by the group computers with agent, It is still by unmanaged computers and also it does not recognize the avast virusscan which is installed.

Also wenn I startup the avast scanner on the server I see nothing on the loading screen, normally by the client I see " license managed ffom the AMS.

What can be the problem?, I tried to uninstall everything by the Avast Uninstall tool and than try again but no result.

Please let me know.

Best regards,



when you create the installation package you put the name or IP of you AMS Server?

In your server, if you try to make a manualy update, what server is using: your AMS or Internet?

Is the MS Windows Server Firewall blocking the connection, or other firewall in your net?

Dear Edj,

When I created the installation package I tested both, first Name and later the IP adress of the AMS Server.
When I try to update manualy the server is using the internet.
Windows server firewall is not enabled, which port will avast use?

Hopefully you can help me.


Sorry, I don’t think that you have a problem with firewalls because you said that netclients work fine.

The port that AMS use are:

  • tcp/16111- basic communication client → AMS. Without this, nothing will
    work .

  • tcp/5033- update mirror access. Necessary to get VPS and program updates
    from the local mirror .

  • tcp/16102- console access. No need to open this from DMZ.

  • udp/6000- AMS discovery. Used only if currently selected AMS is

Managed machines

  • tcp/16109- “Apply to…” feature. This port is used to push new policies from
    AMS to the client when an Admin uses the “Apply to computer” or “Apply to
    group” feature in the console.
  • tcp/16108- remote Virus chest access.- tcp/135, tcp/139, tcp/445, udp/137, udp/138- these are standard RPC and
    NETBIOS ports necessary for remote deployment of the agents.

More information in the Administrator Manual:

Maybe, you can to create a MSI package for the servers installation and try it. :-\

Same problem unfortanely, Can the problem be the license file?
I see the servers in the computer catalog with an Key symbol, but my license file notice me that I have 4 counts for server edition.

I’m really wondering what is going on, clients works perfectly only servers are not recognized.
The install works as mention in my first post.

If you have a key symbol in your server icon means that you don’t have enough licenses.

How many licenses you have? How many PCs?

Hi Again,

Wenn I check in the AMS Maintaince tool the license I have the following.

Avast Server Edition - Release - Count =4
Avast Lunix/Unix - Release - Count =24
Avast Network Client - Release - Count=48
Avast Exchange Server Edition - Release - Count=48
Avast Professional edition - release - Count=46

I Also have two other license files for servers.
But I can use only one license file at the time.

Also the license file look strange to me, because we don’t have Lunix or Unix here at the moment.
We have about 40 clients and 14 Servers.

Please let me know.

Best regards,



the best you can do is to send an email to sales(at) with you information: customer number… and then they send you a new license.dat file with all your licenses.

Put the new file and test. ::slight_smile:

OK, done.
I will keep you informed about their feedback!

Already got an new complete License file from the Avast support.
Quick reply, good service.

But unfortanely I still have the same problem, and 9 licenses are left also for the server licenses.
Wenn I install it, it gets a DEMO license on the server and so it is not managed by the ADNM.

Clients work perfectly.

Any more ideas about this problem?


when you see that you have the same problem what you want to say:

  • you cannot manage the servers from de AMS.
  • you see the servers in ther AMS with the key symbol.

If you want, you can send me and email to continue talking about this problem.

Ok I want, but I don’t see your email adress, it is hidden.


Problem solved with help of EDJ and the Avast Helpdesk.
I removed some PC/Server from the Computer catalog list, than by the PC/Server which are listed the keysymbol is removed.