My copy of Avast! works perfectly and I never had any problem until now. Congratulations!
Still, since a few weeks, as soon as I open Internet Explorer (release 7), I very often get a pop up dialog box warning me about a virus called “SERWAB” threatening my computer, and do I want a scan, and blah blah blah. It seems to come from various sources including Symantec or mainly WindowsAntiVirus2006.
Is there a real danger ? Is this virus in your database ? Is there something I should do ?
WindowsAntiVirus2006 is a rogue/adware program (with false positives) is it not?
Unless avast! itself is giving out warnings, perhaps you really don’t have that virus but rather a spyware/adware infection.
I’d try something like ewido: or superantispyware and see if those popups go away. Both programs have free versions and are well known.