Set Avast for all Users?

Hi… How can I get Avast to work with all users on my PC(XP). It works on my account but not on others.

Any ideas…

Thanks AndyP(UK)

You should install it using ‘The Administrator’ account (enter the registration key from this account also), not just an account with admin privileges.

You will need to uninstall with the account you installed and reboot and use ‘the administrator’ account.

Are the ‘others’ accounts Administrator as yours?
avast does not work well in Windows installations with more than one Administrator account…
Oh, anyway, it’s not a good policy at all having more than one account with administration rights… :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for both replies:

Avast was installed with an Administators acount.

Both accounts are are set to Administrators level.

Is it no a bit odd that Avast does not have the capablility to work in all accounts. Shouldnt there be an option to set for all users? Nice and simple.

avast does work with any accounts…

But Windows brings trouble where there is more than one account with Administrator rights…

Why are you thinking avast is not working for all accounts?

As I said “You should install it using ‘The Administrator’ account, NOT just an account with admin privileges.”

This usually gets around the multiple accounts issue, especially multiple accounts with administrator privileges problem that you seem to be experiencing.

I have not a practical experience with this.
For me, in my personal tests, this is just a myth, I mean, to avast installation, the Adminstrator account would be the same as an account with admin rights.

A myth that seems to be supported by many topics in the forums where this issue has been resolved by doing this. It certainly won’t hurt to try it when your existing set-up is screwed, sorry about using technical terms ;D

i too am having the same problem. i AM the administrator, owner, etc. Program was installed using the admin. acct and registered, fails to initialize in guest acct. any simple settings?

What errors do you get? Anything in avast! Log Viewer?