set avast to scan downloads of Leechget & Firefox's own DL manager?

how do I set avast to scan downloads of Leechget & Firefox’s own DL manager?


Use Avast ashQuick.exe
Default install location C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashQuick.exe :wink:

No parameters are needed (generally) :wink:

was able to set for leechget

asked over Mozilla forum how do I set avast to scan once Firefox built-in DL manager finish DLing, but so far no answer ( )…

…so avast forum can help? how do I set Firefox DL manager to use avast for scans after DLs?


If your are using Leechget with Firefox as far as I know you can not scan DL files via FF download manager (Only). Install FlashGot FF extension set Leechget as default download manager and all download will be scanned.
FlashGot is an excellent easy to install well maintained FF addon offering additional DL features.
FlashGot Homepage
Download FlashGot latest official release

To get my downloads through Firefox scanned using ashquick.exe I found that I needed to install an extension. The one I use is Download Statusbar.

As alanrf said there is no setting in the Firefox default download function. I use the SafeDownload extension, which allows you to set more than one scanner to scan the download.

Like David, I use SafeDownload extension.

what is the latest version of SafeDownload? But it is NOT available at the mozilla site anymore…so can sum1 tell me where else has latest version for download?


It is no longer supported, but this will tell you more and there is a download topic with a link, SoftwareBlaze Forums - SafeDownload.

There are other download extensions, etc. that allow for the addition of a scan of downloads, try a search for download in the add-ons/extensions area.