Setting avast! up with ChoiceMail

New installation of avast! Does not check emails. Get message that another program uses ports 25 and 110. Using Outlook Express which looks at ChoiceMail 1.6 as localhost. ChoiceMail is a challenge/response program to block spam and sits between OE and my ISP using ports 25 & 110.
How can I set avast! up to scan in and out emails?

ChoiceMail stops emails from senders not on my whitelist and allows me to preview messages that it holds before they can get to OE. On my first scan with avast! it found a virus that ChoiceMail was holding that AVG did not. Good job. :slight_smile:

Now all I need is to get avast! working in case someone on my whitelist sends an infected email.

Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.

Welcome to the forums

You need to reconfigure your port numbers so all can talk to each other. Do a search to find many who have asked these questions in past.
Good luck