I “refurbish” old computers that people give or throw away, and give them to elderly and kids.
My question:
What is the proper way to get the avast4home registered, so these computers are ready to go to new homes, when I don’t know who they are going to.
I don’t want to keep using my email to register the software.
Thank you in advance.
Hollyecho Montgomery
I’m only an avast user but the only problem that I see is it must be registered by the user, because of the registration process is effectively a declaration that they are using it for Home, Non-commercial use and you can’t make that declaration for them.
The registration keys are also tied to the email address so if you used the same email address and obviously the previous registration was still valid it would just send you a copy of the previous registration key. This obviously wouldn’t work as you can’t continually use the same key I believe it would soon be classed as a pirate key (even for home version) and blocked, so no updates.
You can when installing avast use the trial/demo key and that should give 60 unrestricted use before the need to register, they would need to complete the avast! 4 Home Registration form and you will receive an email from register @ avast.com (without the spaces) with your registration key.
I was hoping for a better solution, some of the people I give computers away to, don’t have internet yet, or if they get the internet it is only dial-up. Also, these are extremely (I do mean extremely) novice users, and I have gone and repaired computers, since they had no idea how to update, or register with an email. There are users that never want an email, because they are actually afraid of having one.
I need to know if I should email the main tech support and ask for “an exception” for this registration, or I could supply model and computer makes or something to show these are give aways to people who would not ever have a computer otherwise.
Hollyecho Montgomery
As I said I’m only an avast user, you could contact sales (at) avast dot com, though that might seem strange to some, they would certainly know what the current situation is, but I doubt there would be an exemption to user registration, as it is they who qualify for home/non-commercial use. The 60 day unrestricted use would allow time to get connected, etc.
Good luck.