When I change it and check back again,it is changed back to small memory dump.
How large is your paging file? See attached.
its 2048mb
Too small. This is the size of your RAM Change it to something like 3000 and try again. There should be a recommended size also that is larger than 2048.
I changed it 3200 and it is still not working.
Try a reboot also. Not all of this stuff works on the fly. Otherwise, settings look ok, so ???
Already rebooted and still not working.
Back to my original reply. This is from the Microsoft Website re. Vista:
Complete memory dump
Not available on computers with 2 or more GB of RAM. Records the entire contents of system memory when the system stops unexpectedly. If you choose this option you must have a paging file on the boot volume large enough to hold all of the physical RAM plus one megabyte (MB). The file is stored in the directory listed under Dump file.
If you have read sded’s reply,then you should know that he had recently got a dump that is 2gb.Its strange how that it is not working on my computer.
I get a full 2GB dump with the larger page file, and am out of ideas. And the previous inability to turn off UAC bothers me as does the inability to change the drop down list. I actually invoke the dump from a hung system using the procedure avast! recommends at http://support.avast.com/index.php?_m=knowledgebase&_a=viewarticle&kbarticleid=71. And my tortured .ftp program verifies that it was 2GB. What version of Vista are you using again? One other place to check is the Microsoft help forum at Broadband Reports, http://www.dslreports.com/forum/microsoft or one of the Microsoft tech forums.
I am using home premium
OK, I have a computer with home premium on it and 2GB-I am currently using Ultimate. Will go check the dropdown box when I get a chance, but know that I dumped UAC there OK.
Went down and tested the computer with VIsta Home Premium and 2GB, SP2, and could change between small, kernel, full dump with no problem. Do you have SP2 installed?
Yes,I have sp2 installed
I’ll just assume that it is not possible to do a full memory dump on my computer.