When I try to sent a test for alerts, using the settings on the ‘alerts’ page, having correctly set my SMTP and added my email address to it, and click ‘test all’ theprogram appears to test all, but when I again right-click on the ball to see the settings for ‘alerts’ the ‘add’ under SMTP has reverted to what I think I previously added incorrectly as my SMTP setting, which is mail-out.cytanet.com.cy. Consequently the postmaster returns my emails for ‘test all’ as undeliverable. Could you please advise what to do. Incidentally, should not the ‘alerts’ address show, as the person to whom the alert should be sent , someone in Avast, rather than myself?
What OS are you using?
What EXACT version of Avast?
OS is XP Professional sp2
Home edition 4.6
SMTP. The alert will be sent as an e-mail, using the SMTP protocol. It is necessary to define the SMTP Server, i.e. the mail server the messages will be sent through (e.g. smtp.company.com or Additionally, you have to specify the port that will be used (the standard value is 25). Finally, enter the sender address (“From”, i.e. the user address).
The idea of the alert is to notify you or someone who looks after your system security that your computer is infected so they can take action/investigate it. Like you could have it sent to you at work if your home machine is on 24/7 or in use by another member of the family, etc. That way you get a heads up, that is all the alert is, so if you are the only one using the computer then the alert is not as much of a heads up as you would know. So no point in sending an alert to avast!
Also when setting up the Alerts, SMTP part, if there is and email address to use you will see an entry for that address, if it is incorrect, first select it and click edit, that should allow you to correct the email address. You could also delete the incorrect entry and Add a new corrected one.
Thank you for the replies, but they do not answer the the question of why, having amended the incorrect entry in SMTP, the setting reverts to the incorrect entry. I suggest that the programme should first show
- remove ( the incorrect information)
- add (the correct entry)
not edit the incorrect entry to the corrct one.
I have no idea why it is restoring the incorrect address and not saving the correct one, it works for me.
If I enter an incorrect address, I selected it, clicked edit, changed the address and clicked OK and also the OK in the initial screen. If I then check it again the corrected email address has been retained. So the program appears to be working correctly for me.
With your suggested Remove and then Add is available to you manually as I suggested in my other post.
Thank you for your postings; the problem has now been resolved by my uninstalling and reinstalling the programme. Hopefully that is now the end of that strange behaviour.
Thanks for letting us know that you have resolved the problem and how.