
Hi! I can’t find where in the Avast! v6 can I set it so that Avast always asks me what to do if it founds an infection instead of automatically deleting it or moving it to chest? Thank you. :slight_smile:

It depends on whether it is for the shields or on demand scans…

I would guess the shields…

Open avast - > Real Time Shields → Choose the shield → Expert Settings → Actions
Most of them will have this option (some wont, like network shield)

If it an on demand scan, choose the scan, open the settings and it is Actions again :slight_smile:


Thank you very much! How can I set this for the Network shield then?

There is no option for the network shield. It just aborts the connection.

In fact there are no extra setting for the network shield, as the necessary commponents are handles by avast. Generally, sites that are blocked by that are known malware sites…

For the Web and Network Shields, the only supported action is “Abort connection”, really.