Setup.log recording changed in a relatively recent version?

I’ve only noticed this the last couple of months or so, but quite possibly it goes back farther and I missed it.

In the past, if I left the two occurrences of setup.log alone, they’d keep growing as new data was added, up into the multi-MB range. So once or twice a month I’d manually trim them down to just the last half month or so.

But lately they seem to stay small, growing very slowly if at all. They currently run from early April (probably my last trimming) to date but are only about 125K.

Was there a change in the format of these (e.g., much less verbose) in recent months? I’m not aware of having made any changes myself, other than of course program updates, and I don’t think there’s any settings possible for setup.log anyway, unless maybe there’s something obscure in the ini which I haven’t touched in years.

We asked a lot of times for housekeeping in the logs.
Seems we won’t see it in avast 5.0 :cry: