This file keeps flashing on and off in my taskmanager, and mouse cursor constantly flickering between “arrow” and “working in background”. I restarted the pc, but that didn’t work. Anyone had this happen before, or know how to stop it?
I have never seen it, but then again I don’t sit with the task manager open and watching it.
- The SF.bin is the code emulation part of the avast and it is active when scanning is in progress.
Not knowing what your system specification is (CPU, RAM. OS, avast settings, etc.), it is hard to say if this might be a resource issue.
I turned avast off and it stopped the Sf.bin flashing on and off in taskmanager + annoying mouse cursor flickering. The problem comes from avast, because when I turn it back on, the problems come back together. Any idea?
Of course it will stop it you are disabling avast and sf.bin as a part of avast.
You didn’t give any information about your system, so it is hard to make suggestions without more information.
Microsoft Windows XP Professional
5.1.2600 Service Pack 2 Compilação 2600
Fabricante do sistema DIGIBOARD
Modelo do sistema 945GM2
Tipo do sistema PC baseado em X86
Processador x86 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 13 GenuineIntel ~2199 Mhz
Processador x86 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 13 GenuineIntel ~2200 Mhz
Versão/data do BIOS American Megatrends Inc. 080012, 26/11/2007
Versão do SMBIOS 2.5
Pasta do Windows C:\WINDOWS
Pasta do sistema C:\WINDOWS\system32
Dispositivo de inicialização \Device\HarddiskVolume1
Localidade Brasil
Hardware Abstraction Layer Versão = “5.1.2600.2180 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158)”
Nome de usuário WINXP-D1EA69872\WinXP
Fuso horário Hora oficial do Brasil
Memória física total 2.048,00 MB
Memória física disponível 1,22 GB
Memória virtual total 2,00 GB
Memória virtual disponível 1,96 GB
Espaço do arquivo de paginação 3,84 GB
Arquivo de paginação C:\pagefile.sys
In the “real time shields” I deactivated “file system shield” and the problem stopped.
The problem is in “file system shield”
any idea?
as far as i can tell your system comfortably meets the requirements to run avast
what version of avast are you running?
have you tried, system restart, then repair install, then another system restart?
Open Avast! (Ideally when the problem is occurring), look at the graphs showing real time shield activity. Is there a file that is being scanned over and over again?
Truefrogs questions/suggestions still apply as well. (repair install is done via Control Panel/AddRemoverograms, click on Avast!, choose repair option)
@gargamel: you really helped. The problem is GBPSV.EXE that is constantly checked by avast. This huge shit was downloaded along with my homebanking updates my brazilian bank online account.
Brazilian bank programmers are still in the 1990’s and these idiots work with IE exclusively. But they also think they have the right to install parasites (in the form of cheap outdated “security” solutions) on your machine.
Thanks for helping me identifying the problem by suggesting actions instead of asking me my pedigree in extenso.
@gargamel: you really helped. The problem is GBPSV.EXE that is constantly checked by avast. This huge s**t was downloaded along with my homebanking updates my brazilian bank online account.
Have you checked to be sure this is from your brazilian online account?
and here: Note: is a less than reputable site, so just use for informational purposes only. Do not use any utilities posted there. Just a caution.
Got these two sites by googling GBPSV.EXE
In particular, I would look to see if this file is in the expected safe location and has the expected safe size. Sf.bin may be scanning it because it is not.
EDIT: Posting a link to here: Here you have the opportunity to have 40+ virus scanners check this file. If possible, copy and paste the results of this scan in your next post if you wish.