
This file keeps flashing on and off in my taskmanager, cobbling my CPU…just started with the new version.

Using W2K…how do I stop it?

I seem to be experiencing the same ‘constant activity’ by SF.bin as well.
Really effects Computer response drastically. :-\

Any tech input, I have no idea what exactly this is other then directly to Avast and always comes into play after virus update, only this time stated up immediately after downloading AIS v7.1407 Installer.
Have to shut down.

Found the cause…it was my media player [xmplayer] .

As soon as I closed it ,that file stopped…but it doesn’t do it with Winamp or any other player?

Added it to the exclusion list with no change?

Any ideas?

The SF.bin is the code emulation part of the avast and is downloaded or updated on virus definitions updates.

… you’ll find that file in Avast program files folder, in the def subfolder. It has an extension funnily recognized as a media by many players apparently, including VLC here … pure hazard and completely unrelated to your CPU issues. There’s a bug apparently, and this should be fixed, may be already through a VPS/engine update… anyone?

ps: no issue with sf.bin here ;D

@Logos THanks for the info. VPS 120226-2 installed.
Don’t know if this is latest…I think so.
This thing is relentless and makes it almost impossible to to use PC. :-
THis is definitely the worst I seen it on my PC. Constant now for 20 minutes,
Reboot made no difference. Sheeeet. :-\ :slight_smile:

AH…My AIS just automatically updated to 120226-3
All is good again.
Hope that was just a glitch. :wink:

okay 26-3 installed here too, but again, I had no issue with sf.bin so …

Not sure. ??? :slight_smile:

I have that problem too with Aimp3 media player and Metapad text editor.