Share your dumbest pc moment :)

Hi guys n gals.

As my first post I thought I should open by sharing one of the dumbest mistakes I have made on my PC in years…

BUT CAN YOU DO BETTER?? :slight_smile: LOL
(Or should it be “have you done worse”?)

Ok so here I am an old geezer in mid life, well ish ( mutters age under breath with cough to cover up)

Been messing with pcs, n amigas n all that stuff for well donkeys years, sorta like noah n all those guys :slight_smile: (did he have an oric?)

BUT NO I STILL DO SOME REAL DUMB THINGS!! after all these years lol

So there I am happily downloading files secure in the knowledge that avast has never let me down, basking in the sheer safety of it all :slight_smile:

N then Avast goes into action and picks up 2 unwanted guests that have sneaked under the wire. DAH DAH, man I knew this was one reliable program!!
I pat myself on the back for my sheer intelligence at choosing such an excellent program.

So I get the usual hey don’t panic Mr Manoring message you know the one

" caution there is no need to panic this pc will not self destruct in 5 seconds, but it might be an idea to move these files that could totally **** up your whole system, probably all your friends pc’s, and maybe even halt the internet, to the chest ) or words to that effect.

So I bung em in the chest and take a note of their names, (for future party invites or whatever (sad or what?),…delete em and I guess that should have been the story finished :)))))



I need to try n be smart n think I know what the heck I am doin here :slight_smile: Delusions of intelligence and all that (by the way if you are really stupid, would you know?)

So off I go to find out more about the virus s (wipes dribble from chin after pronouncing plural virusesssssssss)

Anyway super sleuth that I am, I find out that one virus would disable in jan 2004 anyway and is pretty harmless.
BUT ( theres always a but )

TO be sure, the article says, I could always delete this service and this other service in windows, and then recheck that all is well

BUT oh no thats STILL too easy for me!!!

I mean I REALLY want to put a spanner in the works, I REALLY need to let my brain completely slip a pile of gears!! life just can’t be that simple lol

So I mess (up) some more

Search pc for both windows service files (bearing in mind Avast had already done the work). needless to say no files found Surprise surprise!!! man was my brain having a day off :slight_smile:


I forward the system date to OCT 2004
AND all is well

Time for a congratulatory whiskey, man I was feeling intelligent :smiley: I mean how did they miss me out when they were looking for rocket scientists I just can’t comprehend, are they dumb or what :slight_smile:

Can you see whats coming?

So yeh you’ve guessed it, I reboot again at the correct date and year and surprise!!!

Avast licence has expired you dumb *** do not pass go n for sure don’t collect an intelligence award :))) LOL
“You just spent a hour pratting about doing something Avast had already done, and totally stuffed the licence system for Avast”

Feel free to pass comments of derision, or top this dumbest of the dumb brain hiccups with your story of sheer ineptitude

Of course the bright side is for sure I dont have a virus lol, trouble is I don’t have a working Avast either :slight_smile:

Yours in humour


sorry about the spelling but I am a bit lisdexic, although my friends tell me it’s KO.

I am going for a lie down now I think I see my nurse comming.

Hi L4l, welcome to the forum,

GREAT post, it amused me ;D ;D ;D

I don’t have to guess for a minute your nationality :wink:


Thx for the reply Walker

to be sure to be sure, n the top of the mornin to ya


Senior member huh, you must be REALLY REALLY old :stuck_out_tongue: (want to borrow my nurse?)


I was right… a yorkshireman :wink: :slight_smile:

(want to borrow my nurse?)

OH YES PLEASE :o :stuck_out_tongue: :o :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeh something like that. With those dialect skills you should consider working for MI5 …
Well on second thoughts maybe mcdonalds.

Will send my nurse shortly, kinda tied up right now :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok heres the error message

“an error occurred while attempting update”… Info says licence outta date… which it aint… reinstall? sneaky suspicion its a register from scratch job :frowning: I can only assume that in the reg somewhere it has noted my temporary forward date, and won’t let me play with the correct system date now. Suggestions on a post card, preferably attached to a £10 note


todays daft quote
I was training to be a wordsmith, but the price of coal was prohibitive.

With comments like that, I can highly recommend you run Fdisk (twice) :stuck_out_tongue: ;D

In all honestly, I can’t think what is happening with your registration (apart from your own suggestions). I guess it’s a job for the Avast bods.

Just curious, what’s the OS ?. Considering your age, do you load it by slotting in a couple of large stone tablets endorsed by Moses?. ::slight_smile: Any chance it’s XP and a system restore will help?

Is this Avast Home or Pro license key?.

Re-installing Avast and re-entering your license doesn’t work y/n?

As for the 10 pound note… :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: I’m in wondeful euroland anyway :cry:


Gentlemen, I don’t wanna interrupt your fruitful discussion but I’d need to know whether L4leather is using a demo or retail license key (and if it’s avast Home or Pro).


Hi Vlk,

Your getting as bad as me :-\ … pay attention, I’ve asked :stuck_out_tongue:

Máš krásné oči.

Blast… I don’t have a czech character set :frowning:

Your getting as bad as me

Oh shoot! :slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue:

pay attention, I've asked

You have? I thought I could count on you… :stuck_out_tongue:

Máš krásné oči.

What the …? :o Now, that’s a compliment (although it’d work better with a 22-years old coctail waitress I guess…)

Anyway, you can say that from the 80x80 picture? Gee I’ll probaly need to change it… (first the head, then the eyes – I wonder what comes next)

‘Shooting’ is a good option when you get a daft as me :-\

What the ...? :o Now, that's a compliment (although it'd work better with a 22-years old coctail waitress I guess...)

I’ve only the got the Prague ‘after midnight’ phrasebook :frowning: don’t know WHY ::slight_smile:

Anyway, you can say that from the 80x80 picture? Gee I'll probaly need to change it... (first the head, then the eyes -- I wonder what comes next)

Now the latest picture is good… must have been taken when you were younger :stuck_out_tongue: <joking, honest>
:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :wink:

Is it just me, or does VLK looks alot like Enrique Eglesias ? (The Spanish artist)


I swear, they look like twins. hehe…

Don’t know if this is good, but if VLK gets the same amount of chicks every night, it must be awsome !


Definately “some” kind of artist Waldo… just can’t put my finger on what kind :slight_smile:

btw; noticed your footnote… you into balisongs?


Here Vlk… I’ve got something to put on your head :slight_smile:

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Is this really my beloved Columbia hat? :-* :-*

I guess the best thing to say to that is… ‘yes’

Ever thought of giving it back to the Columbian who gave it to you ;D ;D


Great to see everyone staying on topic :stuck_out_tongue:

Soz about the slow reply, between work and holding the baby cos my partner decides ( no sense of timimg at all ) to be ill, it’s been a bit hectic.

As for stone tablets… I don’t do drugs :slight_smile:
Yes its XP but I have restore OFF as default (even though I have 140 gig HD I was running outta space, so temporarily no restore … Sods law of course…Oh well :slight_smile: )

ok Serious face on now.
(Screws up face but has difficulty staying serious)

I am using the home edition, IE it’s free for non commercial, use. Was issued with a free registration number months ago, although strangley at the start I was told the prog would need re-registered every 3 months, but that has never been requested.

Avast tech support have kindly replied, and tell me I either need to reinstall or get a new key. Guess I will try a reinstall first, assuming I can find the origonal install exe, just hope the uninstall removes any date ref in the registry, which I assume is where the problem lies.

So while I do that I will leave you guys to discuss your wardrobe.

And there was me thinking fdisk backed up your Hd all these years :slight_smile:

Hi L4l,

Quick addardenderhamm . oh note then :slight_smile:

It might well be worth while downloading a complete new package, there have been a few updates of the last weeks . :slight_smile: … especially to my wardrobe !

Good luck

thx for quick reply…

I am beginning to think you live in here :slight_smile:

I like your title “Avast evangelist”… Sorta like a holy roller type in a daft hat I guess :slight_smile: Is it a well paid position I wonder. Do you give those blood and thunder sermons, where everyone cries and shouts hallehlulah Avast n all that stuff… ( mind you it is a pretty good program 2 b sure)

addardenderhamm <… I think we had one of those bushes growing in our garden when I was a nipper.

I am not sure if I re-register if it will confuse the system, as obviously I had registered before, so then there would be 2 versions of me.

Will take your suggestion and start with full package, good idea … .thx


I’m not sure if it’s indicative of me finding religion or accumulating years just taking me closer to my maker ;D :slight_smile: :frowning: :-\

Is it a well paid position I wonder.

I got the ‘hat’… what more could I ask ::slight_smile:

so then there would be 2 versions of me.

OH NO… a gaggle of emarald yorkies :slight_smile: . seriously’ish … shouldn’t make any difference, use your old reg number. What was something like 20bc ??? :slight_smile:

Now I won’t be here fore at least another 5 mins. :wink:

Good luck L4l :wink:


so then there would be 2 versions of me.

No worries. It can deal with such nasties… You wouldn’t believe how many rocket scientists re-register all the time… :stuck_out_tongue:

And don’t be harsh on Walker, he’s our well-kept baby. ;D