Shared folder _avast_ in %TEMP%

I am running Avast Internet Security program version 2014.9.0.2008, on a Windows 7 64-bit machine.

I note that there is a shared folder named avast in the %TEMP% folder.

If I delete this folder, it is recreated on reboot.

What is this folder please, and what exactly is it sharing and with whom?

Thank you for any information.

i guess you see the folder where avast unpack and scan files…

There’s also a file called streaming updates in the location where that temp folder is located. I forgot the exact name but it ain’t there anymore.

That this folder exists doesn’t concern me.

It’s that this folder is being shared…that greatly concerns me. That requires explanation if I am to continue to use the product.

Nothing is being shared with anybody.
As said, the folder is used e.g. to temporarily unpack archived files during scans.

The file that I was talking about called streaming_updates. dat located in the same location as _avast_in %TEMP% is now here. It wasn’t there yesterday.

Perhaps you aren’t understanding. The system IS showing this as a shared folder. It is a network share.

That is the cause of my concern.

It certainly isn’t a network share here… and it shouldn’t be (avast! doesn’t create any network shares).

Here is a screenshot. I have verified that I can actually hit this folder via the path shown from another PC on my network.

Interesting . . . Based on your screen shot I just checked my computer and found the same thing! This is with avast Free 2014.9.0.2008.

It’s not on my PC though.

Have you guys got Homegroups set up?

Yes . . . I do . . .

I have Homegroups turned off and the services for it disabled and stopped.

I did that after I noticed this, but it did not change anything.

I can delete the shared avast folder, but it will be recreated on reboot, and it is recreated as a network share.

Not on my computer either.

Sorry for messy screenshot.

I’m sorry, everyone–on further investigation, it is the entire home directory structure that is shared.

This is a Windows 7 behavior that I was not aware of (and don’t care for).

This doesn’t relate to Avast, and please feel free to close or delete this thread as you like.

I found this information at